
Attosecond Science Publications


Mayank Kumar, Saadat Mokhtari, Tristan Guay, Adrien Leblanc, Kosta Oubrerie, Sohail A. Jalil, Elissa Haddad, Gaëtan Jargot, Philippe Lassonde, Heide Ibrahim, Giulio Vampa, François Légaré,
Characterizing Ultrashort Pulses with Photon Energies above 1.12 eV Based on Transient Absorption in Silicon Thin Films,
Journal Of Physics: Photonics 7, 015008 (2025) DOI PDF


Tao Cao, Shaozhen Liu, Qi Xu, Kailin Hu, Zhou Li, Kun Chen, Xinyi Yan, Leyan Yang, Teng Guo, Ping Cheng, Paul B. Corkum, Jiahui Peng,
Femtosecond Laser Assisted Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Toward Sub-ppq Detection Limits for Organic Molecules,
Analytical Chemistry 96, 17235–17243 (2024) DOI PDF
Maksym Ivanov, Étienne Doiron, Marco Scaglia, Pedram Abdolghader, Gabriel Tempea, François Légaré, Carlos A. Trallero-Herrero, Giulio Vampa, Bruno E. Schmidt,
Advancing High-Power Hollow-Core Fiber Pulse Compression,
IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics 30, 1–10 (2024) DOI PDF
Ashish Jain, Jean-Luc Bégin, Paul Corkum, Ebrahim Karimi, Thomas Brabec, Ravi Bhardwaj,
Intrinsic Dichroism in Amorphous and Crystalline Solids with Helical Light,
Nature Communications 15, 1350 (2024) DOI PDF
Kamalesh Jana, Yonghao Mi, Søren H. Møller, Dong Hyuk Ko, Shima Gholam-Mirzaei, Daryoush Abdollahpour, Shawn Sederberg, Paul B. Corkum,
Quantum Control of Flying Doughnut Terahertz Pulses,
Science Advances 10, eadl1803 (2024) DOI PDF
XuanYang Lai, RenPing Sun, ShaoGang Yu, YanLan Wang, Wei Quan, André Staudte, XiaoJun Liu,
Reconstructing Molecular Orbitals with Laser-Induced Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy,
Ultrafast Science 4, 0038 (2024) DOI PDF
Yangyang Liu, Shima Gholam-Mirzaei, Dipendra Khatri, Tran-Chau Truong, Troie D. Journigan, Christian Cabello, Christopher Lantigua, André Staudte, Paul B. Corkum, Michael Chini,
Field-Resolved Space–Time Characterization of Few-Cycle Structured Light Pulses,
Optica 11, 846–851 (2024) DOI PDF
Sambit Mitra, Johannes Schötz, Chunmei Zhang, Dong Hyuk Ko, Zenghu Chang, Paul B. Corkum, André Staudte, Matthias F. Kling,
Propagation Effects in Polarization-Gated Attosecond Soft-X-ray Pulse Generation,
Optics Express 32, 1151–1160 (2024) DOI PDF
David N. Purschke, Aleksey Korobenko, André Staudte, Andrei Yu Naumov, David M. Villeneuve, Giulio Vampa,
Inline-delay Fourier transform imaging spectrometer for mid-IR ultrashort pulses,
Optics Express 32, 37635–37644 (2024) DOI PDF


Konstantin Y. Bliokh, et al.,
Roadmap on Structured Waves,
Journal Of Optics 25, 103001 (2023) DOI PDF
Jean-Luc Bégin, Ashish Jain, Andrew Parks, Felix Hufnagel, Paul Corkum, Ebrahim Karimi, Thomas Brabec, Ravi Bhardwaj,
Nonlinear helical dichroism in chiral and achiral molecules,
Nature Photonics 17, 82–88 (2023) DOI PDF
Álvaro Jiménez-Galán, Chandler Bossaer, Guilmot Ernotte, Andrew M. Parks, Rui E. F. Silva, David M. Villeneuve, André Staudte, Thomas Brabec, Adina Luican-Mayer, Giulio Vampa,
Orbital Perspective on High-Harmonic Generation from Solids,
Nature Communications 14, 8421 (2023) DOI PDF
Dong Hyuk Ko, P. B. Corkum,
Quantum Optics Meets Attosecond Science,
Nature Physics 19, 1556–1557 (2023) DOI PDF
Aleksey Korobenko, Sabaa Rashid, Andrei Yu Naumov, David M. Villeneuve, David A. Reis, Pierre Berini, Paul B. Corkum, Giulio Vampa,
In Situ High-Harmonic Microscopy of a Nanostructured Solid,
Optica 10, 642–649 (2023) DOI PDF
Yonghao Mi, Enliang Wang, Zack Dube, Tian Wang, A. Y. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, André Staudte,
D3+ formation through photoionization of the molecular D2–D2 dimer,
Nature Chemistry 15, 1224–1228 (2023) DOI PDF
David N. Purschke, Álvaro Jiménez-Galán, Thomas Brabec, Andrei Yu. Naumov, André Staudte, David M. Villeneuve, Giulio Vampa,
Microscopic Mechanisms of High-Order Wave Mixing in Solids,
Physical Review A 108, L051103 (2023) DOI PDF
Mingze Sun, Zixiang Jiang, Yong Fu, Yanrong Jiang, Hongtao Hu, Chunyuan Bai, Zhongyao Yue, Jiaming Jiang, Hongqiang Xie, Cheng Jin, Ruxin Li, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, Peng Peng,
Observation of Refractive Index Line Shape in Ultrafast XUV Transient Absorption Spectroscopy,
Ultrafast Science 3, 0029 (2023) DOI PDF
Chunmei Zhang, Graham Brown, Dong Hyuk Ko, P. B. Corkum,
Optical Measurement of Photorecombination Time Delays,
Ultrafast Science 3, 0034 (2023) DOI PDF


L. Arias, A. Longa, G. Jargot, A. Pomerleau, P. Lassonde, G. Fan, R. Safaei, P. B. Corkum, F. Boschini, H. Ibrahim, F. Légaré,
Few-Cycle Yb Laser Source at 20 kHz Using Multidimensional Solitary States in Hollow-Core Fibers,
Optics Letters 47, 3612–3615 (2022) DOI PDF
Johannes Blöchl, Johannes Schötz, Ancyline Maliakkal, Natālija Šreibere, Zilong Wang, Philipp Rosenberger, Peter Hommelhoff, Andre Staudte, Paul B. Corkum, Boris Bergues, Matthias F. Kling,
Spatiotemporal Sampling of Near-Petahertz Vortex Fields,
Optica 9, 755–761 (2022) DOI PDF
Graham G. Brown, Dong Hyuk Ko, Chunmei Zhang, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond Measurement via High-Order Harmonic Generation in Low-Frequency Fields,
Physical Review A 105, 023520 (2022) DOI PDF
Alan T. K. Godfrey, Deepak L. N. Kallepalli, Sabaa Rashid, Jesse Ratté, Chunmei Zhang, P. B. Corkum,
Blister formation in dynamic release mirror structures using femtosecond laser pulses,
Optics Express 30, 39922–39931 (2022) DOI PDF
Ziyue Guo, Kailin Hu, Tao Cao, Shaozhen Liu, Jikun Yan, Zhou Li, Qi Xu, Paul B. Corkum, Jiahui Peng,
Energy Deposition and Incubation Effects of Nonlinear Absorption of Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Dielectrics,
Optics Express 30, 10317–10328 (2022) DOI PDF
Sohail A. Jalil, Kashif M. Awan, Idriss A. Ali, Sabaa Rashid, Joshua Baxter, Aleksey Korobenko, Guilmot Ernotte, Andrei Naumov, David M. Villeneuve, André Staudte, Pierre Berini, Lora Ramunno, Giulio Vampa,
Controlling the polarization and phase of high-order harmonics with a plasmonic metasurface,
Optica 9, 987–991 (2022) DOI PDF
Kamalesh Jana, Emmanuel Okocha, Søren H. Møller, Yonghao Mi, Shawn Sederberg, Paul B. Corkum,
Reconfigurable terahertz metasurfaces coherently controlled by wavelength-scale-structured light,
Nanophotonics 11, 787–795 (2022) DOI PDF
G. P. Katsoulis, Z. Dube, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte, A. Emmanouilidou,
Momentum scalar triple product as a measure of chirality in electron ionization dynamics of strongly driven atoms,
Physical Review A 106, 043109 (2022) DOI PDF
Aleksey Korobenko, Sabaa Rashid, Christian Heide, Andrei Yu Naumov, David A. Reis, Pierre Berini, Paul B. Corkum, Giulio Vampa,
In-Situ Nanoscale Focusing of Extreme Ultraviolet Solid-State High Harmonics,
Physical Review X 12, 041036 (2022) DOI PDF
Yangyang Liu, John E. Beetar, Jonathan Nesper, Shima Gholam-Mirzaei, Michael Chini,
Single-shot measurement of few-cycle optical waveforms on a chip,
Nature Photonics 16, 109–112 (2022) DOI PDF
Yonghao Mi, Kyle Johnston, Valentina Shumakova, Søren H. Møller, Kamalesh Jana, Chunmei Zhang, André Staudte, Shawn Sederberg, Paul B. Corkum,
Active Stabilization of Terahertz Waveforms Radiated from a Two-Color Air Plasma,
Photonics Research 10, 96–103 (2022) DOI PDF
M. Mountney, G. P. Katsoulis, S. H. Møller, K. Jana, P. Corkum, A. Emmanouilidou,
Mapping the direction of electron ionization to phase delay between VUV and IR laser pulses,
Physical Review A 106, 043106 (2022) DOI PDF
Takashi Nakajima, Tasuku Shinoda, D. M. Villeneuve, Hiromichi Niikura,
High-resolution attosecond imaging of an atomic electron wave function in momentum space,
Physical Review A 106, 063513 (2022) DOI PDF
Peng Peng, Yonghao Mi, Marianna Lytova, Mathew Britton, Xiaoyan Ding, A. Yu Naumov, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Coherent Control of Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Transient Absorption,
Nature Photonics 16, 45–51 (2022) DOI PDF
Shawn Sederberg, Paul B. Corkum,
Perspective on Phase-Controlled Currents in Semiconductors Driven by Structured Light,
Applied Physics Letters 120, 160504 (2022) DOI PDF
T. Wang, Z. Dube, Y. Mi, G. Vampa, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, Xiaojun Liu, A. Staudte,
Disentangling Interferences in the Photoelectron Momentum Distribution from Strong-Field Ionization,
Physical Review A 106, 013106 (2022) DOI PDF


Tobias Heinrich, Marco Taucer, Ofer Kfir, P. B. Corkum, André Staudte, Claus Ropers, Murat Sivis,
Chiral high-harmonic generation and spectroscopy on solid surfaces using polarization-tailored strong fields,
Nature Communications 12, 3723 (2021) DOI PDF
K. Jana, K. R. Herperger, F. Kong, Y. Mi, C. Zhang, P. B. Corkum, S. Sederberg,
Reconfigurable electronic circuits for magnetic fields controlled by structured light,
Nature Photonics 15, 622–626 (2021) DOI PDF
Deepak L. N. Kallepalli, Alan T. K. Godfrey, Jesse Ratté, André Staudte, Chunmei Zhang, P. B. Corkum,
Surface adhesion of back-illuminated ultrafast laser-treated polymers,
Physical Review Materials 5, 045201 (2021) DOI PDF
G. P. Katsoulis, M. B. Peters, A. Staudte, R. Bhardwaj, A. Emmanouilidou,
Signatures of magnetic-field effects in nonsequential double ionization manifesting as backscattering for molecules versus forward scattering for atoms,
Physical Review A 103, 033115 (2021) DOI PDF
Dong Hyuk Ko, Graham G. Brown, Chunmei Zhang, P. B. Corkum,
Near-Field Imaging of Dipole Emission Modulated by an Optical Grating,
Optica 8, 1632–1637 (2021) DOI PDF
A. Korobenko, S. Rashid, C. Heide, A. Yu Naumov, D. A. Reis, P. Berini, P. B. Corkum, G. Vampa,
Generation of structured coherent extreme ultraviolet beams from an MgO crystal,
Optics Express 29, 24161–24168 (2021) DOI PDF
A. Korobenko, P. Rosenberger, J. Schötz, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, M. F. Kling, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum, B. Bergues,
Single-shot dispersion sampling for optical pulse reconstruction,
Optics Express 29, 11845–11853 (2021) DOI PDF
A. Korobenko, S. Saha, A. T. K. Godfrey, M. Gertsvolf, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Boltasseva, V. M. Shalaev, P. B. Corkum,
High-harmonic generation in metallic titanium nitride,
Nature Communications 12, 1–6 (2021) DOI PDF
L. Ortmann, A. AlShafey, A. Staudte, A. S. Landsman,
Tracking the Ionization Site in Neutral Molecules,
Physical Review Letters 127, 213201 (2021) DOI PDF
D. M. Villeneuve, Peng Peng, Hiromichi Niikura,
Complete Characterization of Attosecond Photoelectron Wave Packets,
Physical Review A 104, 053526 (2021) DOI PDF


G. Bart, I. Schubert, A. M. Parks, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec,
Coulomb blocking of sequential tunnel ionization in complex systems,
Journal Of Physics: Photonics 2, 034007 (2020) DOI PDF
Mathew Britton, Marianna Lytova, Dong Hyuk Ko, Abdulaziz Alqasem, Peng Peng, D. M. Villeneuve, Chunmei Zhang, Ladan Arissian, P. B. Corkum,
Control of N2+ air lasing,
Physical Review A 102, 053110 (2020) DOI PDF
Alan T.K. Godfrey, Deepak L.N. Kallepalli, Jesse Ratté, Chunmei Zhang, P.B. Corkum,
Femtosecond-Laser-Induced Nanoscale Blisters in Polyimide Thin Films through Nonlinear Absorption,
Physical Review Applied 14, 044057 (2020) DOI PDF
Václav Hanus, Sarayoo Kangaparambil, Seyedreza Larimian, Martin Dorner-Kirchner, Xinhua Xie, Markus S. Schöffler, Gerhard G. Paulus, Andrius Baltuška, André Staudte, Markus Kitzler-Zeiler,
Experimental Separation of Subcycle Ionization Bursts in Strong-Field Double Ionization of H2,
Physical Review Letters 124, 103201 (2020) DOI PDF
Deepak L. N. Kallepalli, Alan T. K. Godfrey, Jaspreet Walia, Fabio Variola, André Staudte, Chunmei Zhang, Zygmunt J. Jakubek, P. B. Corkum,
Multiphoton Laser-Induced Confined Chemical Changes in Polymer Films,
Optics Express 28, 11267–11279 (2020) DOI PDF
Mladen M. Kekez, David M. Villeneuve,
Nitrogen Laser Emissions of Short and Long Durations Generated in Air,
IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science 48, 647–657 (2020) DOI PDF
Dong Hyuk Ko, Graham G. Brown, Chunmei Zhang, P. B. Corkum,
Delay Measurement of Attosecond Emission in Solids,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 53, 124001 (2020) DOI PDF
W. Komatsubara, F. Kong, C. Zhang, P. B. Corkum,
High Harmonics Diffraction Caused by an Ellipticity Grating,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 53, 094002 (2020) DOI PDF
A. Korobenko, K. Johnston, M. Kubullek, L. Arissian, Z. Dube, T. Wang, M. Kübel, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, M. F. Kling, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte, B. Bergues,
Femtosecond streaking in ambient air,
Optica 7, 1372–1376 (2020) DOI PDF
M. Kubullek, Z. Wang, K. von der Brelje, D. Zimin, P. Rosenberger, J. Schötz, M. Neuhaus, S. Sederberg, A. Staudte, N. Karpowicz, M. F. Kling, B. Bergues,
Single-Shot Carrier-Envelope-Phase Measurement in Ambient Air,
Optica 7, 35-39 (2020) DOI PDF
M. Kübel, M. Spanner, Z. Dube, A. Yu Naumov, S. Chelkowski, A. D. Bandrauk, M. J. J. Vrakking, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Staudte,
Probing Multiphoton Light-Induced Molecular Potentials,
Nature Communications 11, 2596 (2020) DOI PDF
Jialin Li, Yang Wang, Tianyi Guo, Jonathon White, Matthew Weidman, Yi Wu, Kai Hu, Marieke F. Jager, Christopher J. Kaplan, Romain Geneaux, Daniel M. Neumark, Stephen R. Leone, Graham G. Brown, Paul Corkum, Zenghu Chang,
Beam Optimization in a 25 TW Femtosecond Laser System for High Harmonic Generation,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 53, 145602 (2020) DOI PDF
C. Marceau, J. B. Bertrand, Peng Peng, H. J. Wörner, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Simultaneous Measurements of Strong-Field Ionization and High Harmonic Generation in Aligned Molecules,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 53, 084006 (2020) DOI PDF
Nicola Mayer, Peng Peng, David M. Villeneuve, Serguei Patchkovskii, Misha Ivanov, Oleg Kornilov, Marc J. J. Vrakking, Hiromichi Niikura,
Population Transfer to High Angular Momentum States in Infrared-Assisted XUV Photoionization of Helium,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 53, 164003 (2020) DOI PDF
Yonghao Mi, Peng Peng, Nicolas Camus, Xufei Sun, Patrick Fross, Denhi Martinez, Zack Dube, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, André Staudte, Robert Moshammer, Thomas Pfeifer,
Clocking Enhanced Ionization of Hydrogen Molecules with Rotational Wave Packets,
Physical Review Letters 125, 173201 (2020) DOI PDF
A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, Hiromichi Niikura,
High Conversion Efficiency of an Optical Parametric Amplifier Pumped by 1 kHz Ti:Sapphire Laser Pulses for Tunable High-Harmonic Generation,
Optics Express 28, 4088–4098 (2020) DOI PDF
A. M. Parks, G. Ernotte, A. Thorpe, C. R. McDonald, P. B. Corkum, M. Taucer, T. Brabec,
Wannier quasi-classical approach to high harmonic generation in semiconductors,
Optica 7, 1764–1772 (2020) DOI PDF
Serguei Patchkovskii, Marc J. J. Vrakking, D. M. Villeneuve, Hiromichi Niikura,
Selection of the Magnetic Quantum Number in Resonant Ionization of Neon Using an XUV-IR Two-Color Laser Field,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 53, 134002 (2020) DOI PDF
M. G. Rahimian, A. Jain, H. Larocque, P. B. Corkum, E. Karimi, V. R. Bhardwaj,
Spatially controlled nano-structuring of silicon with femtosecond vortex pulses,
Scientific Reports 10, 12643 (2020) DOI PDF
Shawn Sederberg, Fanqi Kong, Paul B. Corkum,
Tesla-Scale Terahertz Magnetic Impulses,
Physical Review X 10, 011063 (2020) DOI PDF
Shawn Sederberg, Fanqi Kong, Felix Hufnagel, Chunmei Zhang, Ebrahim Karimi, Paul B. Corkum,
Vectorized optoelectronic control and metrology in a semiconductor,
Nature Photonics 14, 680–685 (2020) DOI PDF


Mathew Britton, Marianna Lytova, Patrick Laferrière, Peng Peng, Felipe Morales, Dong Hyuk Ko, Maria Richter, Pavel Polynkin, D. M. Villeneuve, Chunmei Zhang, Misha Ivanov, Michael Spanner, Ladan Arissian, P. B. Corkum,
Short- and long-term gain dynamics in N2+ air lasing,
Phys. Rev. A 100, 013406 (2019) DOI PDF
Xiaoyan Ding, R. Forbes, M. Kübel, Kevin F. Lee, M. Spanner, A. Yu. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Stolow, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Threshold Photodissociation Dynamics of NO2 Studied by Time-Resolved Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 151, 174301 (2019) DOI PDF
Václav Hanus, Sarayoo Kangaparambil, Seyedreza Larimian, Martin Dorner-Kirchner, Xinhua Xie, Markus S. Schöffler, Gerhard G. Paulus, Andrius Baltuška, André Staudte, Markus Kitzler-Zeiler,
Subfemtosecond Tracing of Molecular Dynamics during Strong-Field Interaction,
Physical Review Letters 123, 263201 (2019) DOI PDF
F. Kong, C. Zhang, H. Larocque, F. Bouchard, Z. Li, M. Taucer, G. Brown, Stefano Severino, T. J. Hammond, E. Karimi, P. B. Corkum,
Spin-Constrained Orbital-Angular-Momentum Control in High-Harmonic Generation,
Physical Review Research 1, 032008 (2019) DOI PDF
F. Kong, C. Zhang, H. Larocque, Z. Li, F. Bouchard, D. H. Ko, G. G. Brown, A. Korobenko, T. J. Hammond, Robert W. Boyd, E. Karimi, P. B. Corkum,
Vectorizing the Spatial Structure of High-Harmonic Radiation from Gas,
Nature Communications 10, 2020 (2019) DOI PDF
Fanqi Kong, Hugo Larocque, Ebrahim Karimi, P. B. Corkum, Chunmei Zhang,
Generating few-cycle radially polarized pulses,
Optica 6, 160–164 (2019) DOI PDF
A. Korobenko, T. J. Hammond, C. Zhang, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
High-Harmonic Generation in Solids Driven by Counter-Propagating Pulses,
Optics Express 27, 32630-32637 (2019) DOI PDF
M. Kübel, Z. Dube, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Spatiotemporal Imaging of Valence Electron Motion,
Nature Communications 10, 1042 (2019) DOI PDF
M. Kübel, G. P. Katsoulis, Z. Dube, A. Yu. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte, A. Emmanouilidou,
Streaking Strong-Field Double Ionization,
Physical Review A 100, 043410 (2019) DOI PDF
Claude Marceau, Varun Makhija, Peng Peng, Marius Hervé, P. B. Corkum, A. Yu. Naumov, A. Stolow, D. M. Villeneuve,
Non-Born-Oppenheimer electronic wave packet in molecular nitrogen at 14 eV probed by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023426 (2019) DOI PDF
Peng Peng, Claude Marceau, Marius Hervé, P. B. Corkum, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve,
Symmetry of Molecular Rydberg States Revealed by XUV Transient Absorption Spectroscopy,
Nature Communications 10, 5269 (2019) DOI PDF
Peng Peng, Claude Marceau, D. M. Villeneuve,
Attosecond imaging of molecules using high harmonic spectroscopy,
Nature Reviews Physics 1, 144-155 (2019) DOI PDF
Ben Sussman, Paul Corkum, Alexandre Blais, David Cory, Andrea Damascelli,
Quantum Canada,
Quantum Science And Technology 4, 020503 (2019) DOI PDF
Kiyoshi Ueda, Emma Sokell, Stefan Schippers, Friedrich Aumayr, Hossein Sadeghpour, Joachim Burgdörfer, Christoph Lemell, Xiao-Min Tong, Thomas Pfeifer, Francesca Calegari, Alicia Palacios, Fernando Martin, Paul Corkum, Giuseppe Sansone, Elena V. Gryzlova, Alexei N. Grum-Grzhimailo, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Peter M. Weber, Tobias Steinle, Kasra Amini, Jens Biegert, Nora Berrah, Edwin Kukk, Robin Santra, Alfred Müller, Danielle Dowek, Robert R. Lucchese, C. William McCurdy, Paola Bolognesi, Lorenzo Avaldi, Till Jahnke, Markus S. Schöffler, Reinhard Dörner, Yann Mairesse, Laurent Nahon, Olga Smirnova, Thomas Schlathölter, Eleanor E. B. Campbell, Jan-Michael Rost, Michael Meyer, Kazuo A. Tanaka,
Roadmap on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collision Physics: I. Light-Matter Interaction,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 52, 171001 (2019) DOI PDF


M. Alameer, A. Jain, M. G. Rahimian, H. Larocque, P. B. Corkum, E. Karimi, V. R. Bhardwaj,
Mapping Complex Polarization States of Light on a Solid,
Optics Letters 43, 5757-5760 (2018) DOI PDF
S. Almalki, A. M. Parks, G. Bart, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec, C. R. McDonald,
High harmonic generation tomography of impurities in solids: Conceptual analysis,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 144307 (2018) DOI PDF
Ladan Arissian, Brian Kamer, Ali Rastegari, D. M. Villeneuve, Jean-Claude Diels,
Transient gain from N2+ in light filaments,
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053438 (2018) DOI PDF
Mathew Britton, Patrick Laferrière, Dong Hyuk Ko, Zhengyan Li, Fanqi Kong, Graham Brown, Andrei Naumov, Chunmei Zhang, Ladan Arissian, P. B. Corkum,
Testing the Role of Recollision in N2+ Air Lasing,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 133208 (2018) DOI PDF
Guilmot Ernotte, T. J. Hammond, Marco Taucer,
A gauge-invariant formulation of interband and intraband currents in solids,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 235202 (2018) DOI PDF
TJ Hammond, Aleksey Korobenko, A Yu Naumov, D M Villeneuve, Paul B Corkum, Dong Hyuk Ko,
Near-field imaging for single-shot waveform measurements,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 51, 065603 (2018) DOI PDF
Heide Ibrahim, Catherine Lefebvre, André D. Bandrauk, André Staudte, François Légaré,
H2 : The Benchmark Molecule for Ultrafast Science and Technologies,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 51, 042002 (2018) DOI PDF
Zhengyan Li, Fanqi Kong, Graham Brown, TJ Hammond, Dong-Hyuk Ko, Chunmei Zhang, P B Corkum,
Perturbing laser field dependent high harmonic phase modulations,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 51, 125601 (2018) DOI PDF
P. Lu, S. J. Mihailov, H. Ding, D. Grobnic, R. B. Walker, D. Coulas, C. Hnatovsky, A. Y. Naumov,
Plane-by-Plane Inscription of Grating Structures in Optical Fibers,
Journal Of Lightwave Technology 36, 926-931 (2018) DOI PDF
Johan Mauritsson, Giulio Vampa, Caterina Vozzi,
Emerging Attosecond Technologies,
Journal Of Optics 20, 110201 (2018) DOI PDF
M. Nesrallah, G. Vampa, G. Bart, P. B. Corkum, C. R. McDonald, T. Brabec,
Theory of Kerr instability amplification,
Optica 5, 271–278 (2018) DOI PDF
G. Vampa, T. J. Hammond, M. Nesrallah, A. Yu Naumov, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec,
Light Amplification by Seeded Kerr Instability,
Science 359, 673–675 (2018) DOI PDF
G. Vampa, T. J. Hammond, M. Taucer, Xiaoyan Ding, X. Ropagnol, T. Ozaki, S. Delprat, M. Chaker, N. Thiré, B. E. Schmidt, F. Légaré, D. D. Klug, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum,
Strong-Field Optoelectronics in Solids,
Nature Photonics 12, 465-468 (2018) DOI PDF
D. M. Villeneuve,
Attosecond science,
Contemporary Physics 59, 47-61 (2018) DOI PDF


A. Azarm, P. Corkum, P. Polynkin,
Optical gain in rotationally excited nitrogen molecular ions,
Physical Review A 96, 051401 (2017) DOI PDF
Emeric Balogh, Chunmei Zhang, Thierry Ruchon, Jean-Francois Hergott, Fabien Quere, Paul Bruce Corkum, Chang Hee Nam, Kyung Taec Kim,
Dynamic wavefront rotation in the attosecond lighthouse,
Optica 4, 48-53 (2017) DOI PDF
Szczepan Chelkowski, André D. Bandrauk, Paul B. Corkum,
Photon-momentum transfer in photoionization: From few photons to many,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053402 (2017) DOI PDF
A. Chen, M. Kübel, B. Bergues, M. F. Kling, A. Emmanouilidou,
Non-Sequential Double Ionization with near-Single Cycle Laser Pulses,
Scientific Reports 7, 7488 (2017) DOI PDF
Xiaoyan Ding, M. Haertelt, S. Schlauderer, M. S. Schuurman, A. Yu. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, A. R. W. McKellar, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Ultrafast Dissociation of Metastable CO^2+ in a Dimer,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 153001 (2017) DOI PDF
A. Emmanouilidou, T. Meltzer, P.B. Corkum,
Non-dipole recollision-gated double ionization and observable effects,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50, 225602 (2017) DOI PDF
V. Gruson, G. Ernotte, P. Lassonde, A. Laramée E, M.R. Bionta, M. Chaker, L. Di Mauro, P.B. Corkum, H. Ibrahim, B.E. Schmidt, F. Legaré,
2.5 TW, two-cycle IR laser pulses via frequency domain optical parametric amplification,
Optics Express 25, 27706-27714 (2017) DOI PDF
T. J. Hammond, Sylvain Monchocé, Chunmei Zhang, Giulio Vampa, Dennis Klug, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Integrating Solids and Gases for Attosecond Pulse Generation,
Nature Photonics 11, 594–599 (2017) DOI PDF
T. J. Hammond, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Producing and controlling half-cycle near-infrared electric-field transients,
Optica 4, 826-830 (2017) DOI PDF
T.J. Hammond,
Spatio–temporal coupling to create sub-femtosecond pulses,
Journal Of Optics 19, 114002 (2017) DOI PDF
TJ Hammond, Emeric Balogh, Kyung Taec Kim,
Isolation of attosecond pulses from the attosecond lighthouse,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50, 014006 (2017) DOI PDF
P. Hockett, E. Frumker, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Reply to Comment on `Time delays in molecular photoionization’,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50, 078003 (2017) DOI PDF
Kyung Taec Kim, Kyungseung Kim, TJ Hammond,
Phase retrieval approach for an accurate reconstruction of an arbitrary optical waveform in the petahertz optical oscilloscope,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50, 024002 (2017) DOI PDF
Fanqi Kong, Chunmei Zhang, Frédéric Bouchard, Zhengyan Li, Graham G. Brown, Dong Hyuk Ko, T. J. Hammond, Ladan Arissian, Robert W. Boyd, Ebrahim Karimi, P. B. Corkum,
Controlling the orbital angular momentum of high harmonic vortices,
Nature Communications 8, 14970 (2017) DOI PDF
M. Kübel, Z. Dube, A. Yu. Naumov, M. Spanner, G. G. Paulus, M. F. Kling, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Streak Camera for Strong-Field Ionization,
Physical Review Letters 119, 183201 (2017) DOI PDF
Kevin F. Lee, Xiaoyan Ding, TJ Hammond, M. E. Fermann, G. Vampa, P. B. Corkum,
Harmonic generation in solids with direct fiber laser pumping,
Optics Letters 42, 1113-1116 (2017) DOI PDF
Zhengyan Li, Graham Brown, Dong Hyuk Ko, Fanqi Kong, Ladan Arissian, Paul Bruce Corkum,
Perturbative High Harmonic Wave Front Control,
Physical Review Letters 118, 033905 (2017) DOI PDF
C. Marceau, T. J. Hammond, A. Yu Naumov, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Wavelength Scaling of High Harmonic Generation for 267 nm, 400 nm and 800 nm Driving Laser Pulses,
J. Phys. Commun. 1, 015009 (2017) DOI PDF
Claude Marceau, Varun Makhija, Dominique Platzer, A. Yu. Naumov, P. B. Corkum, Albert Stolow, D. M. Villeneuve, Paul Hockett,
Molecular Frame Reconstruction Using Time-Domain Photoionization Interferometry,
Physical Review Letters 119, 083401 (2017) DOI PDF
C. R. McDonald, G. Vampa, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec,
Intense-Laser Solid State Physics: Unraveling the Difference between Semiconductors and Dielectrics,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 173601 (2017) DOI PDF
M. G. Rahimian, F. Bouchard, H. Al-Khazraji, E. Karimi, P. B. Corkum, V. R. Bhardwaj,
Polarization dependent nanostructuring of silicon with femtosecond vortex pulse,
Apl Photonics 2, 086104 (2017) DOI PDF
Murat Sivis, Marco Taucer, Giulio Vampa, Kyle Johnston, Andre Staudte, Andrei Yu. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, Claus Ropers, P. B. Corkum,
Tailored semiconductors for high-harmonic optoelectronics,
Science 357, 303-306 (2017) DOI PDF
M. Taucer, T. J. Hammond, P. B. Corkum, G. Vampa, C. Couture, N. Thiré, B. E. Schmidt, F. Légaré, H. Selvi, N. Unsuree, B. Hamilton, T. J. Echtermeyer, M. A. Denecke,
Nonperturbative harmonic generation in graphene from intense midinfrared pulsed light,
Phys. Rev. B 96, 195420 (2017) DOI PDF
G. Vampa, T. Brabec,
Merge of High Harmonic Generation from Gases and Solids and Its Implications for Attosecond Science,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50, 083001 (2017) DOI PDF
G. Vampa, B. G. Ghamsari, S. Siadat Mousavi, T. J. Hammond, A. Olivieri, E. Lisicka-Skrek, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Staudte, P. Berini, P. B. Corkum,
Plasmon-enhanced high-harmonic generation from silicon,
Nature Physics 13, 659 (2017) Highly Cited DOI PDF
Giulio Vampa, Hanieh Fattahi, Jelena Vučković, Ferenc Krausz,
Attosecond Nanophotonics,
Nature Photonics 11, 210-212 (2017) DOI PDF
D. M. Villeneuve, Paul Hockett, M. J. J. Vrakking, Hiromichi Niikura,
Coherent imaging of an attosecond electron wave packet,
Science 356, 1150–1153 (2017) DOI PDF
Xinhua Xie, Tian Wang, ShaoGang Yu, XuanYang Lai, Stefan Roither, Daniil Kartashov, Andrius Baltuška, XiaoJun Liu, André Staudte, Markus Kitzler,
Disentangling Intracycle Interferences in Photoelectron Momentum Distributions Using Orthogonal Two-Color Laser Fields,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 243201 (2017) DOI PDF


Zenghu Chang, Paul B. Corkum, Stephen R. Leone,
Attosecond optics and technology: progress to date and future prospects [Invited],
JOSA B 33, 1081-1097 (2016) DOI PDF
A. Chen, H. Price, A. Staudte, A. Emmanouilidou,
Frustrated double ionization in two-electron triatomic molecules,
Physical Review A 94, 043408 (2016) DOI PDF
Paul Corkum,
Probing quantum systems from the inside while producing the world’s shortest optical pulses,
Herald Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences 86, 426–432 (2016) DOI PDF
Silvio Fuchs, Christian Rödel, Alexander Blinne, Ulf Zastrau, Martin Wünsche, Vinzenz Hilbert, Leif Glaser, Jens Viefhaus, Eugene Frumker, Paul Corkum, Eckhart Förster, Gerhard G. Paulus,
Nanometer resolution optical coherence tomography using broad bandwidth XUV and soft x-ray radiation,
Scientific Reports 6, 20658 (2016) DOI PDF
Marko Haertelt, Xue-Bin Bian, Michael Spanner, André Staudte, Paul Bruce Corkum,
Probing molecular dynamics by laser-induced backscattering holography,
Physical Review Letters 116, 133001 (2016) DOI PDF
TJ Hammond, Graham G. Brown, Kyung Taec Kim, D. M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum,
Attosecond pulses measured from the attosecond lighthouse,
Nature Photonics 10, 171-175 (2016) DOI PDF
TJ Hammond, Sylvain Monchocé, Chunmei Zhang, Graham G Brown, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Femtosecond time-domain observation of atmospheric absorption in the near-infrared spectrum,
Physical Review A 94, 063410 (2016) DOI PDF
Paul Hockett, Eugene Frumker, David M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum,
Time delay in molecular photoionization,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 49, 095602 (2016) DOI PDF
Ming-Ming Liu, Min Li, Chengyin Wu, Qihuang Gong, André Staudte, Yunquan Liu,
Phase structure of strong-field tunneling wave packets from molecules,
Physical Review Letters 116, 163004 (2016) DOI PDF
Yijian Meng, Chunmei Zhang, Claude Marceau, A. Yu Naumov, Paul B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Interferometric time delay correction for Fourier transform spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet,
Journal Of Modern Optics 63, 1661-1667 (2016) DOI PDF
M. Spanner, J. B. Bertrand, D. M. Villeneuve,
In situ attosecond pulse characterization techniques to measure the electromagnetic phase,
Physical Review A 94, 023825 (2016) DOI PDF
Chunmei Zhang, Graham G. Brown, Kyung Taec Kim, D. M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum,
Full characterization of an attosecond pulse generated using an infrared driver,
Scientific Reports 6, 26771 (2016) DOI PDF


Szczepan Chelkowski, André D. Bandrauk, Paul B. Corkum,
Photon-momentum transfer in multiphoton ionization and in time-resolved holography with photoelectrons,
Physical Review A 92, 051401 (2015) DOI PDF
TJ Hammond, Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Controlling attosecond angular streaking with second harmonic radiation,
Optics Letters 40, 1768-1770 (2015) DOI PDF
Christian Kerpal, Dan J. Harding, David M. Rayner, Jonathan T. Lyon, André Fielicke,
Far-IR Spectra and Structures of Small Cationic Ruthenium Clusters: Evidence for Cubic Motifs,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 119, 10869-10875 (2015) DOI
C. R. McDonald, G. Vampa, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec,
Interband Bloch oscillation mechanism for high-harmonic generation in semiconductor crystals,
Physical Review A 92, 033845 (2015) DOI PDF
Yijian Meng, Chunmei Zhang, Claude Marceau, A. Yu Naumov, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Octave-spanning hyperspectral coherent diffractive imaging in the extreme ultraviolet range,
Optics Express 23, 28960-28969 (2015) DOI PDF
A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, Hiromichi Niikura,
Contribution of multiple electron trajectories to high-harmonic generation in the few-cycle regime,
Physical Review A 91, 063421 (2015) DOI PDF
A. Shayeghi, R. Schäfer, D. M. Rayner, R. L. Johnston, A. Fielicke,
Charge-induced dipole vs. relativistically enhanced covalent interactions in Ar-tagged Au-Ag tetramers and pentamers,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 143, 024310 (2015) DOI
Armin Shayeghi, Roy L. Johnston, David M. Rayner, Rolf Schäfer, André Fielicke,
The nature of bonding between argon and mixed gold-silver trimers,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54, 10675-10680 (2015) DOI
G. Vampa, T. J. Hammond, N. Thiré, B. E. Schmidt, F. Légaré, C. R. McDonald, T. Brabec, P. B. Corkum,
Linking high harmonics from gases and solids,
Nature 522, 462-464 (2015) Highly Cited DOI PDF
G. Vampa, C. R. McDonald, G. Orlando, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec,
Semiclassical analysis of high harmonic generation in bulk crystals,
Physical Review B 91, 064302 (2015) Highly Cited DOI PDF
Giulio Vampa, TJ Hammond, Nicolas Thiré, B. E. Schmidt, François Légaré, C. R. McDonald, Thomas Brabec, D. D. Klug, P. B. Corkum,
All-optical reconstruction of crystal band structure,
Physical Review Letters 115, 193603 (2015) Highly Cited DOI PDF
Giulio Vampa, Chris McDonald, Alec Fraser, Thomas Brabec,
High-harmonic generation in solids: bridging the gap between attosecond science and condensed matter physics,
IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics 21, 1-10 (2015) DOI PDF
Giulio Vampa, David M. Villeneuve,
High-harmonic generation: To the extreme,
Nature Physics 11, 529-530 (2015) DOI PDF
Chunmei Zhang, Giulio Vampa, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond lighthouse driven by sub-two-cycle, 1.8 μm laser pulses,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 48, 061001 (2015) DOI PDF


Szczepan Chelkowski, André D. Bandrauk, Paul B. Corkum,
Photon Momentum Sharing between an Electron and an Ion in Photoionization: From One-Photon (Photoelectric Effect) to Multiphoton Absorption,
Physical Review Letters 113, 263005 (2014) DOI PDF
F Quéré, H Vincenti, A Borot, S Monchocé, T J Hammond, Kyung Taec Kim, J A Wheeler, Chunmei Zhang, T Ruchon, T Auguste, J F Hergott, D M Villeneuve, P B Corkum, R Lopez-Martens,
Applications of ultrafast wavefront rotation in highly nonlinear optics,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 47, 124004 (2014) DOI PDF
Genevieve Gariepy, Jonathan Leach, Kyung Taec Kim, Thomas Hammond, Eugene Frumker, Robert W. Boyd, Paul B. Corkum,
Creating high-harmonic beams with controlled orbital angular momentum,
Physical Review Letters 113, 153901 (2014) DOI PDF
S. M. Golin, S. E. Kirkwood, D. D. Klug, D. M. Villeneuve, D. M. Rayner, CA Trallero Herrero, P. B. Corkum,
Strong field processes inside gallium arsenide,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 47, 204025 (2014) DOI PDF
Philipp Gruene, Burkhard Butschke, Jonathan T. Lyon, David M. Rayner, André Fielicke,
Far-IR spectra of small neutral gold clusters in the gas phase,
Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie 228, 337-350 (2014) DOI
Allan S. Johnson, André Staudte, D. M. Villeneuve,
Semi-classical Methods in Non-Sequential Double Ionization,
Chinese Journal Of Physics 52, 329-339 (2014) DOI PDF
Kyung Taec Kim, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Manipulating quantum paths for novel attosecond measurement methods,
Nature Photonics 8, 187-194 (2014) DOI PDF
M. Meckel, A. Staudte, S. Patchkovskii, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, R. Dörner, M. Spanner,
Signatures of the continuum electron phase in molecular strong-field photoelectron holography,
Nature Physics 10, 594-600 (2014) DOI PDF
Laurent Mercadier, David M. Rayner, Paul B. Corkum,
Control of femtosecond laser ablation of thin films from a dielectric surface by nonlinear interaction with the substrate,
Physical Review Applied 2, 034001 (2014) DOI
BE Schmidt, AD Shiner, M. Giguère, C. Trallero-Herrero, P. Lassonde, N. Thiré, D. M. Villeneuve, J. C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, F. Légaré,
Intense Few-Cycle Infrared Laser Pulses at the Advanced Laser Light Source,
Chinese Journal Of Physics 52, 537-545 (2014) DOI PDF
CTL Smeenk, L. Arissian, A. V. Sokolov, M. Spanner, K. F. Lee, A. Staudte, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Alignment dependent enhancement of the photoelectron cutoff for multiphoton ionization of molecules,
Physical Review Letters 112, 253001 (2014) DOI PDF
G. Vampa, C. R. McDonald, G. Orlando, D. D. Klug, P. B. Corkum, T. Brabec,
Theoretical analysis of high-harmonic generation in solids,
Physical Review Letters 113, 073901 (2014) Highly Cited DOI PDF
Iain Wilkinson, Andrey E. Boguslavskiy, Jochen Mikosch, Julien B. Bertrand, Hans Jakob Wörner, David M. Villeneuve, Michael Spanner, Serguei Patchkovskii, Albert Stolow,
Excited state dynamics in SO2. I. Bound state relaxation studied by time-resolved photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 140, 204301 (2014) DOI PDF
Xiaoming Yu, Zenghu Chang, P. B. Corkum, Shuting Lei,
Fabricating nanostructures on fused silica using femtosecond infrared pulses combined with sub-nanojoule ultraviolet pulses,
Optics Letters 39, 5638-5640 (2014) DOI
Li Zhang, Xinhua Xie, Stefan Roither, Daniil Kartashov, YanLan Wang, ChuanLiang Wang, Markus Schöffler, Dror Shafir, Paul B. Corkum, Andrius Baltuška, Igor Ivanov, Anatoli Kheifets, XiaoJun Liu, André Staudte, Markus Kitzler,
Laser-sub-cycle two-dimensional electron-momentum mapping using orthogonal two-color fields,
Phys. Rev. A 90, 061401 (2014) DOI PDF
Li Zhang, Xinhua Xie, Stefan Roither, Yueming Zhou, Peixiang Lu, Daniil Kartashov, Markus Schöffler, Dror Shafir, Paul B. Corkum, Andrius Baltuška, André Staudte, Markus Kitzler,
Subcycle Control of Electron-Electron Correlation in Double Ionization,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 193002 (2014) DOI PDF
Irina Znakovskaya, Michael Spanner, Sankar De, Hui Li, Dipanwita Ray, Paul B. Corkum, Igor V. Litvinyuk, C. Lewis Cocke, Matthias F. Kling,
Transition between mechanisms of laser-induced field-free molecular orientation,
Physical Review Letters 112, 113005 (2014) DOI PDF


J. B. Bertrand, H. J. Wörner, P. Salières, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Linked attosecond phase interferometry for molecular frame measurements,
Nature Physics 9, 174-178 (2013) DOI PDF
D. Comtois, H-C Bandulet, M. Spanner, D. Pavičić, M. Meckel, D. Zeidler, H. Pépin, R. Dörner, J-C Kieffer, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Laser-induced orbital projection and diffraction of O-2 with velocity map imaging,
Journal Of Modern Optics 60, 1395-1408 (2013) DOI PDF
Katharina Doblhoff-Dier, Konstantinos I. Dimitriou, André Staudte, Stefanie Gräfe,
Classical analysis of Coulomb effects in strong-field ionization of H 2+ by intense circularly polarized laser fields,
Physical Review A 88, 033411 (2013) DOI
Luca M. Ghiringhelli, Philipp Gruene, Jonathan T. Lyon, David M. Rayner, Gerard Meijer, André Fielicke, Matthias Scheffler,
Not so loosely bound rare gas atoms: finite-temperature vibrational fingerprints of neutral gold-cluster complexes,
New Journal Of Physics 15, 083003 (2013) DOI
Christian Kerpal, Dan J. Harding, David M. Rayner, André Fielicke,
Small platinum cluster hydrides in the gas phase,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 117, 8230-8237 (2013) DOI
Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, Thierry Ruchon, Jean-François Hergott, Thierry Auguste, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, F. Quéré,
Photonic streaking of attosecond pulse trains,
Nature Photonics 7, 651-656 (2013) DOI PDF
Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, Andrew D. Shiner, Sean E. Kirkwood, Eugene Frumker, Genevieve Gariepy, Andrei Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Manipulation of quantum paths for space-time characterization of attosecond pulses,
Nature Physics 9, 159-163 (2013) DOI PDF
Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, Andrew D. Shiner, Bruno E. Schmidt, François Légaré, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Petahertz optical oscilloscope,
Nature Photonics 7, 958-962 (2013) DOI PDF
Laurent Mercadier, Jiahui Peng, Yasir Sultan, Thomas A. Davis, David M. Rayner, Paul B. Corkum,
Femtosecond laser desorption of ultrathin polymer films from a dielectric surface,
Applied Physics Letters 103, 061107 (2013) DOI
Jiahui Peng, David Grojo, David M. Rayner, Paul B. Corkum,
Control of energy deposition in femtosecond laser dielectric interactions,
Applied Physics Letters 102, 161105 (2013) DOI
D. Shafir, H. Soifer, C. Vozzi, A. S. Johnson, A. Hartung, Z. Dube, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, N. Dudovich, A. Staudte,
Trajectory-resolved coulomb focusing in tunnel ionization of atoms with intense, elliptically polarized laser pulses,
Physical Review Letters 111, 023005 (2013) DOI PDF
A. D. Shiner, C. Trallero-Herrero, Nathaniel Kajumba, B. E. Schmidt, J. B. Bertrand, Kyung Taec Kim, H-C Bandulet, D. Comtois, J-C Kieffer, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum, F. Légaré, D. M. Villeneuve,
High harmonic cutoff energy scaling and laser intensity measurement with a 1.8 μ m laser source,
Journal Of Modern Optics 60, 1458-1465 (2013) DOI PDF
CTL Smeenk, P. B. Corkum,
Molecular alignment using circularly polarized laser pulses,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 46, 201001 (2013) DOI
Xiaoming Yu, Qiumei Bian, Zenghu Chang, P. B. Corkum, Shuting Lei,
Femtosecond laser nanomachining initiated by ultraviolet multiphoton ionization,
Optics Express 21, 24185-24190 (2013) DOI
Xiaoming Yu, Qiumei Bian, B. Zhao, Z. Chang, P. B. Corkum, Shuting Lei,
Near-infrared femtosecond laser machining initiated by ultraviolet multiphoton ionization,
Applied Physics Letters 102, 101111 (2013) DOI


J. B. Bertrand, H. J. Wörner, P. Hockett, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Revealing the Cooper minimum of N 2 by Molecular Frame High-Harmonic Spectroscopy,
Physical Review Letters 109, 143001 (2012) DOI PDF
A. Emmanouilidou, C. Lazarou, A. Staudte, U. Eichmann,
Routes to formation of highly excited neutral atoms in the breakup of strongly driven H 2,
Physical Review A 85, 011402 (2012) DOI PDF
Eugene Frumker, C. T. Hebeisen, N. Kajumba, J. B. Bertrand, Hans Jakob Wörner, Michael Spanner, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Naumov, P. B. Corkum,
Oriented rotational wave-packet dynamics studies via high harmonic generation,
Physical Review Letters 109, 113901 (2012) DOI PDF
Eugène Frumker, N. Kajumba, J. B. Bertrand, Hans Jakob Wörner, C. T. Hebeisen, P. Hockett, Michael Spanner, Serguei Patchkovskii, G. G. Paulus, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Naumov, P. B. Corkum,
Probing polar molecules with high harmonic spectroscopy,
Physical Review Letters 109, 233904 (2012) DOI PDF
Eugène Frumker, G. G. Paulus, H. Niikura, A. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Order-dependent structure of high harmonic wavefronts,
Optics Express 20, 13870-13877 (2012) DOI PDF
Dan J. Harding, Christian Kerpal, David M. Rayner, André Fielicke,
Communication: The structures of small cationic gas-phase platinum clusters,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 136, 4726403 (2012) DOI PDF
Cheng Jin, Julien B. Bertrand, R. R. Lucchese, H. J. Wörner, Paul B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, Anh-Thu Le, Chii Dong Lin,
Intensity dependence of multiple orbital contributions and shape resonance in high-order harmonic generation of aligned N 2 molecules,
Physical Review A 85, 013405 (2012) DOI PDF
Kyung Taec Kim, Dong Hyuk Ko, Juyun Park, Nark Nyul Choi, Chul Min Kim, Kenichi L. Ishikawa, Jongmin Lee, Chang Hee Nam,
Amplitude and phase reconstruction of electron wave packets for probing ultrafast photoionization dynamics,
Physical Review Letters 108, 093001 (2012) DOI
P. M. Kraus, Y. Arasaki, J. B. Bertrand, S. Patchkovskii, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, K. Takatsuka, H. J. Wörner,
Time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy of nonadiabatic dynamics in NO 2,
Physical Review A 85, 043409 (2012) DOI PDF
Jiahui Peng, Noah Puskas, Paul B. Corkum, David M. Rayner, Alexandre V. Loboda,
High-pressure gas phase femtosecond laser ionization mass spectrometry,
Analytical Chemistry 84, 5633-5640 (2012) DOI PDF
H. Price, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum, A. Emmanouilidou,
Frequency-resolved optical gating for time-resolving knockout in double ionization with attosecond pulses,
Physical Review A 86, 053411 (2012) DOI PDF
H. Ruf, C. Handschin, A. Ferré, Nicolas Thiré, J. B. Bertrand, Laurent Bonnet, Raluca Cireasa, E. Constant, P. B. Corkum, D. Descamps, B. Fabre, P. Larregaray, E. Mével, S. Petit, B. Pons, D. Staedter, H. J. Wörner, D. M. Villeneuve, Y. Mairesse, P. Halvick, V. Blanchet,
High-harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of NO2 electronic relaxation,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 137, 224303 (2012) DOI PDF
A. Rupenyan, J. B. Bertrand, D. M. Villeneuve, H. J. Wörner,
All-optical measurement of high-harmonic amplitudes and phases in aligned molecules,
Physical Review Letters 108, 033903 (2012) DOI PDF
Bruno E. Schmidt, Andrew D. Shiner, Mathieu Giguère, Philippe Lassonde, Carlos A. Trallero-Herrero, J. C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, François Légaré,
High harmonic generation with long-wavelength few-cycle laser pulses,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 45, 074008 (2012) DOI PDF
A. D. Shiner, B. E. Schmidt, C. Trallero-Herrero, P. B. Corkum, J. C. Kieffer, F. Légaré, D. M. Villeneuve,
Observation of Cooper minimum in krypton using high harmonic spectroscopy,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 45, 074010 (2012) DOI PDF
M. Spanner, S. Gräfe, S. Chelkowski, D. Pavičić, M. Meckel, D. Zeidler, A. B. Bardon, B. Ulrich, A. D. Bandrauk, D. M. Villeneuve, R. Dörner, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Coulomb asymmetry and sub-cycle electron dynamics in multiphoton multiple ionization of H2,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 45, 194011 (2012) DOI PDF


J. B. Bertrand, H. J. Wörner, H-C Bandulet, E. Bisson, M. Spanner, J-C Kieffer, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Ultrahigh-order wave mixing in noncollinear high harmonic generation,
Physical Review Letters 106, 023001 (2011) DOI PDF
Paul B. Corkum,
Recollision physics,
Physics Today 64, 36-41 (2011) PDF
A. Fleischer, H. J. Wörner, L. Arissian, L. R. Liu, M. Meckel, A. Rippert, R. Dörner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, A. Staudte,
Probing angular correlations in sequential double ionization,
Physical Review Letters 107, 113003 (2011) DOI PDF
Cheng Jin, Hans Jakob Wörner, V. Tosa, Anh-Thu Le, Julien B. Bertrand, R. R. Lucchese, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, C. D. Lin,
Separation of target structure and medium propagation effects in high-harmonic generation,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 44, 095601 (2011) DOI PDF
Hiromichi Niikura, Hans Jakob Wörner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Probing the spatial structure of a molecular attosecond electron wave packet using shaped recollision trajectories,
Physical Review Letters 107, 093004 (2011) DOI PDF
H. Price, A. Staudte, A. Emmanouilidou,
Energy sharing in the two-electron attosecond streak camera,
New Journal Of Physics 13, 093006 (2011) DOI
Bruno E. Schmidt, Andrew D. Shiner, Philippe Lassonde, Jean-Claude Kieffer, Paul B. Corkum, David M. Villeneuve, François Légaré,
CEP stable 1.6 cycle laser pulses at 1.8 μ m,
Optics Express 19, 6858-6864 (2011) DOI PDF
A. D. Shiner, B. E. Schmidt, C. Trallero-Herrero, H. J. Wörner, S. Patchkovskii, P. B. Corkum, J-C. Kieffer, F. Légaré, D. M. Villeneuve,
Probing collective multi-electron dynamics in xenon with high-harmonic spectroscopy,
Nature Physics 7, 464–467 (2011) Highly Cited DOI PDF
C. Smeenk, J. Z. Salvail, L. Arissian, P. B. Corkum, C. T. Hebeisen, A. Staudte,
Precise in-situ measurement of laser pulse intensity using strong field ionization,
Optics Express 19, 9336-9344 (2011) DOI PDF
CTL Smeenk, Ladan Arissian, Bing Zhou, André Mysyrowicz, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum,
Partitioning of the linear photon momentum in multiphoton ionization,
Physical Review Letters 106, 193002 (2011) DOI PDF
C. Trallero-Herrero, Cheng Jin, B. E. Schmidt, A. D. Shiner, J. C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, C. D. Lin, F. Légaré, A. T. Le,
Generation of broad XUV continuous high harmonic spectra and isolated attosecond pulses with intense mid-infrared lasers,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 45, 011001 (2011) DOI PDF
H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, B. Fabre, J. Higuet, H. Ruf, A. Dubrouil, S. Patchkovskii, M. Spanner, Y. Mairesse, Valérie Blanchet, E. Mével, E. Constant, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Conical intersection dynamics in NO2 probed by homodyne high-harmonic spectroscopy,
Science 334, 208-212 (2011) DOI PDF
H. J. Wörner, P. B. Corkum,
Imaging and controlling multielectron dynamics by laser-induced tunnel ionization,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 44, 041001 (2011) DOI
Bing Zhou, Aurélien Houard, Yi Liu, Bernard Prade, André Mysyrowicz, Arnaud Couairon, Patrick Mora, Christopher Smeenk, Ladan Arissian, Paul B. Corkum,
Measurement and control of plasma oscillations in femtosecond filaments,
Physical Review Letters 106, 255002 (2011) DOI


L. Arissian, C. Smeenk, F. Turner, C. Trallero, A. V. Sokolov, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum,
Direct test of laser tunneling with electron momentum imaging,
Physical Review Letters 105, 133002 (2010) DOI PDF
H-C Bandulet, D. Comtois, E. Bisson, A. Fleischer, H. Pépin, J-C Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Gating attosecond pulse train generation using multicolor laser fields,
Physical Review A 81, 013803 (2010) DOI PDF
T. Barillot, D. Grojo, M. Gertsvolf, S. Lei, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
High refractive index modification of SiO2 created by femtosecond laser nanostructuring,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 43, 125401 (2010) DOI
David R. Blais, Rodney K. Lyn, Michael A. Joyce, Yanouchka Rouleau, Rineke Steenbergen, Nicola Barsby, Lin-Fu Zhu, Adrian F. Pegoraro, Albert Stolow, David L. Tyrrell, others,
Activity-based protein profiling identifies a host enzyme, carboxylesterase 1, which is differentially active during hepatitis C virus replication,
Journal Of Biological Chemistry 285, 25602-25612 (2010)
Zenghu Chang, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond photon sources: the first decade and beyond [Invited],
JOSA B 27, B9-B17 (2010) DOI
Paul B. Corkum, André Staudte,
Attosecond light pulses,
Physics In Canada 66, 271-275 (2010) PDF
A. Emmanouilidou, A. Staudte, P. B. Corkum,
The two-electron attosecond streak camera for time-resolving intra-atomic collisions,
New Journal Of Physics 12, 103024 (2010) DOI
M. Gertsvolf, M. Spanner, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Demonstration of attosecond ionization dynamics inside transparent solids,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 43, 131002 (2010) DOI
D. Grojo, M. Gertsvolf, S. Lei, T. Barillot, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Exciton-seeded multiphoton ionization in bulk SiO 2,
Physical Review B 81, 212301 (2010) DOI
Alex CT Ko, Andrew Ridsdale, Michael S. D. Smith, Leila B. Mostaço-Guidolin, Mark D. Hewko, Adrian F. Pegoraro, Elicia K. Kohlenberg, Bernie Schattka, Masashi Shiomi, Albert Stolow, others,
Multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of atherosclerotic plaque development in myocardial infarction-prone rabbits,
Journal Of Biomedical Optics 15, 020501-020501 (2010)
Rodney K. Lyn, David C. Kennedy, Albert Stolow, Andrew Ridsdale, John Paul Pezacki,
Dynamics of lipid droplets induced by the hepatitis C virus core protein,
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 399, 518-524 (2010) DOI
Y. Mairesse, N. Dudovich, D. Zeidler, M. Spanner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Phase sensitivity of high harmonic transient grating spectroscopy,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 43, 065401 (2010) DOI PDF
Raman Maksimenka, Patrick Nuernberger, Kevin F. Lee, Adeline Bonvalet, Jadwiga Milkiewicz, Cestmir Barta, Miloš Klima, Thomas Oksenhendler, Pierre Tournois, Daniel Kaplan, others,
Direct mid-infrared femtosecond pulse shaping with a calomel acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter,
Optics Letters 35, 3565-3567 (2010)
Hiromichi Niikura, Nirit Dudovich, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Mapping molecular orbital symmetry on high-order harmonic generation spectrum using two-color laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 105, 053003 (2010) DOI PDF
Patrick Nuernberger, Kevin F. Lee, Adeline Bonvalet, Marten H. Vos, Manuel Joffre,
Multiply excited vibration of carbon monoxide in the primary docking site of hemoglobin following photolysis from the heme,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 1, 2077-2081 (2010)
Adrian F. Pegoraro, Aaron D. Slepkov, Andrew Ridsdale, John Paul Pezacki, Albert Stolow,
Single laser source for multimodal coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy,
Applied Optics 49, F10-F17 (2010) DOI
Jiahui Peng, Alexei V. Sokolov, Fetah Benabid, F. Biancalana, P. S. Light, Francois Couny, P. J. Roberts,
Widely tunable femtosecond solitonic radiation in photonic crystal fiber cladding,
Physical Review A 81, 031803 (2010) DOI
Oliver Schalk, Andrey E. Boguslavskiy, Albert Stolow,
Substituent effects on dynamics at conical intersections: Cyclopentadienes,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 114, 4058-4064 (2010)
Bruno E. Schmidt, Pierre Béjot, Mathieu Giguère, Andrew D. Shiner, Carlos Trallero-Herrero, Éric Bisson, Jérôme Kasparian, Jean-Pierre Wolf, David M. Villeneuve, Jean-Claude Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, François Légaré,
Compression of 1.8 μ m laser pulses to sub two optical cycles with bulk material,
Applied Physics Letters 96, 121109 (2010) DOI PDF
D. Shafir, Y. Mairesse, H. J. Wörner, K. Rupnik, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, N. Dudovich,
Probing the symmetry of atomic wavefunctions from the point of view of strong field-driven electrons,
New Journal Of Physics 12, 073032 (2010) DOI PDF
Champika Weeraman, Steven A. Mitchell, Rune Lausten, Linda J. Johnston, Albert Stolow,
Vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy using inverted visible pulses,
Optics Express 18, 11483-11494 (2010)
H. J. Worner, J. Bertrand, D. Kartashov, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Following a Chemical Reaction Using High Harmonic Interferometry,
Nature (London) 466, 604-607 (2010) Highly Cited DOI PDF
H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
High-harmonic homodyne detection of the ultrafast dissociation of Br 2 molecules,
Physical Review Letters 105, 103002 (2010) DOI PDF
H. J. Wörner, J. B. Bertrand, P. Hockett, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Controlling the interference of multiple molecular orbitals in high-harmonic generation,
Physical Review Letters 104, 233904 (2010) DOI PDF


H. Akagi, L. Arissian, J. B. Bertrand, P. B. Corkum, M. Gertsvolf, D. Pavicic, D. M. Rayner, C. Smeenk, A. Staudte, D. M. Villeneuve, H. J. Wörner,
An STM for molecules and wide-bandgap crystal,
Laser Physics 19, 1697-1704 (2009) DOI PDF
H. Akagi, T. Otobe, A. Staudte, A. Shiner, F. Turner, R. Dörner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Laser tunnel ionization from multiple orbitals in HCl,
Science 325, 1364-1367 (2009) Highly Cited DOI PDF
André D. Bandrauk, Szczepan Chelkowski, Paul B. Corkum, Jörn Manz, Gennady L. Yudin,
Attosecond photoionization of a coherent superposition of bound and dissociative molecular states: effect of nuclear motion,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 42, 134001 (2009) DOI PDF
Christer Z. Bisgaard, Owen J. Clarkin, Guorong Wu, Anthony M. D. Lee, Oliver Geßner, Carl C. Hayden, Albert Stolow,
Time-resolved molecular frame dynamics of fixed-in-space CS2 molecules,
Science 323, 1464-1468 (2009) DOI
Christer Z. Bisgaard, Helmut Satzger, Susanne Ullrich, Albert Stolow,
Excited-State Dynamics of Isolated DNA Bases: A Case Study of Adenine,
Chemphyschem 10, 101-110 (2009) DOI
Denys I. Bondar, Wing-Ki Liu, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Two-electron ionization in strong laser fields below intensity threshold: Signatures of attosecond timing in correlated spectra,
Physical Review A 79, 023417 (2009) DOI
Denys I. Bondar, Wing-Ki Liu, Gennady L. Yudin,
Adaptation of the modified adiabatic approximation to strong-field ionization,
Physical Review A 79, 065401 (2009) DOI
Denys I. Bondar, Michael Spanner, Wing-Ki Liu, Gennady L. Yudin,
Photoelectron spectra in strong-field ionization by a high-frequency field,
Physical Review A 79, 063404 (2009) DOI
J-P Brichta, MCH Wong, J. B. Bertrand, H-C Bandulet, D. M. Rayner, V. R. Bhardwaj,
Comparison and real-time monitoring of high-order harmonic generation in different sources,
Physical Review A 79, 033404 (2009) DOI PDF
N. Dudovich, J. L. Tate, Y. Mairesse, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, M. B. Gaarde,
Subcycle spatial mapping of recollision dynamics,
Physical Review A 80, 011806 (2009) DOI PDF
A. Emmanouilidou, A. Staudte,
Intensity dependence of strong-field double-ionization mechanisms: From field-assisted recollision ionization to recollision-assisted field ionization,
Physical Review A 80, 053415 (2009) DOI PDF
André Fielicke, Philipp Gruene, Gerard Meijer, David M. Rayner,
The adsorption of CO on transition metal clusters: A case study of cluster surface chemistry,
Surface Science 603, 1427-1433 (2009) DOI PDF
E. Frumker, G. G. Paulus, H. Niikura, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Frequency-resolved high-harmonic wavefront characterization,
Optics Letters 34, 3026-3028 (2009) DOI PDF
Mathieu Giguère, Bruno E. Schmidt, Andrew D. Shiner, Marie-Andrée Houle, Heidi C. Bandulet, Gabriel Tempea, David M. Villeneuve, Jean-Claude Kieffer, François Légaré,
Pulse compression of submillijoule few-optical-cycle infrared laser pulses using chirped mirrors,
Optics Letters 34, 1894-1896 (2009) DOI PDF
K. Kreidi, D. Akoury, T. Jahnke, Th. Weber, A. Staudte, M. Schöffler, N. Neumann, J. Titze, L. Ph.H. Schmidt, A. Czasch, O. Jagutzki, R. A. Costa Fraga, R. E. Grisenti, R. Díez Muiño, N. A. Cherepkov, S. K. Semenov, P. Ranitovic, C. L. Cocke, T. Osipov, H. Adaniya, J. C. Thompson, M. H. Prior, A. Belkacem, A. Landers, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner,
Single photon double ionization of H2 by circularly polarized photons at a photon energy of 160 eV – Interference, decoherence and its dependence on the internuclear distance,
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 169, 109-116 (2009) DOI PDF
Jonathan T. Lyon, Philipp Gruene, André Fielicke, Gerard Meijer, David M. Rayner,
Probing C-O bond activation on gas-phase transition metal clusters: Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of Fe, Ru, Re, and W cluster CO complexes,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 131, 184706 (2009) DOI PDF
Adrian F. Pegoraro, Andrew Ridsdale, Douglas J. Moffatt, Yiwei Jia, John Paul Pezacki, Albert Stolow,
Optimally chirped multimodal CARS microscopy based on a single Ti: sapphire oscillator,
Optics Express 17, 2984-2996 (2009) DOI
P. P. Rajeev, M. Gertsvolf, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner,
Field dependent avalanche ionization rates in dielectrics,
Physical Review Letters 102, 083001 (2009) DOI PDF
D. Shafir, Y. Mairesse, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, N. Dudovich,
Atomic wavefunctions probed through strong-field light-matter interaction,
Nature Physics 5, 412-416 (2009) DOI PDF
A. D. Shiner, C. Trallero-Herrero, N. Kajumba, H-C Bandulet, D. Comtois, F. Légaré, M. Giguère, J. C. Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Wavelength scaling of high harmonic generation efficiency,
Physical Review Letters 103, 073902 (2009) Highly Cited DOI PDF
C. Smeenk, L. Arissian, A. Staudte, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Momentum space tomographic imaging of photoelectrons,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 42, 185402 (2009) DOI PDF
Olga Smirnova, Yann Mairesse, Serguei Patchkovskii, Nirit Dudovich, David M. Villeneuve, Paul Bruce Corkum, Misha Yu Ivanov,
High harmonic interferometry of multi-electron dynamics in molecules,
Nature 460, 972-977 (2009) Highly Cited DOI PDF
Olga Smirnova, Serguei Patchkovskii, Yann Mairesse, Nirit Dudovich, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Strong-field control and spectroscopy of attosecond electron-hole dynamics in molecules,
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences 106, 16556-16561 (2009) DOI PDF
Olga Smirnova, Serguei Patchkovskii, Yann Mairesse, Nirit Dudovich, David M. Villeneuve, Paul Bruce Corkum, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Attosecond circular dichroism spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules,
Physical Review Letters 102, 063601 (2009) DOI PDF
Andre Staudte, S. Patchkovskii, D. Pavičić, H. Akagi, Olga Smirnova, D. Zeidler, M. Meckel, D. M. Villeneuve, R. Dörner, M. Yu Ivanov, P. B. Corkum,
Angular tunneling ionization probability of fixed-in-space H2 molecules in intense laser pulses,
Physical Review Letters 102, 033004 (2009) DOI PDF
C. Trallero-Herrero, B. E. Schmidt, A. D. Shiner, Philippe Lassonde, É Bisson, J-C Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, F. Légaré,
High harmonic generation in ethylene with infrared pulses,
Chemical Physics 366, 33-36 (2009) DOI PDF
D. M. Villeneuve,
Attosecond Light Sources,
Physics In Canada 65, 63-66 (2009) PDF
Hans Jakob Wörner, Hiromichi Niikura, Julien B. Bertrand, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Observation of electronic structure minima in high-harmonic generation,
Physical Review Letters 102, 103901 (2009) DOI PDF
G. L. Yudin, D. I. Bondar, S. Patchkovskii, P. B. Corkum, A. D. Bandrauk,
Unified ab initio treatment of attosecond photoionization and Compton scattering,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 42, 205601 (2009) DOI PDF


A. S. Alnaser, D. Comtois, A. T. Hasan, D. M. Villeneuve, J. C. Kieffer, I. V. Litvinyuk,
Strong-field non-sequential double ionization: wavelength dependence of ion momentum distributions for neon and argon,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 41, 031001 (2008) DOI
S. Baker, J. S. Robinson, M. Lein, C. C. Chirilă, R. Torres, H. C. Bandulet, D. Comtois, J. C. Kieffer, D. M. Villeneuve, J. W. G. Tisch, J. P. Marangos,
Dynamic two-center interference in high-order harmonic generation from molecules with attosecond nuclear motion,
Physical Review Letters 101, 053901 (2008) DOI
H. C. Bandulet, D. Comtois, A. D. Shiner, C. Trallero-Herrero, N. Kajumba, T. Ozaki, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve, J. C. Kieffer, F. Légaré,
High harmonic generation with a spatially filtered optical parametric amplifier,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 41, 245602 (2008) DOI
Denys I. Bondar,
Instantaneous multiphoton ionization rate and initial distribution of electron momentum,
Physical Review A 78, 015405 (2008) DOI
Stephen D. Clow, Carlos Trallero-Herrero, Thomas Bergeman, Thomas Weinacht,
Strong field multiphoton inversion of a three-level system using shaped ultrafast laser pulses,
Physical Review Letters 100, 233603 (2008) DOI
P. B. Corkum,
Laser-generated plasmas: Probing plasma dynamics,
Nature Photonics 2, 272 (2008) DOI
P. Eckle, A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, A. Staudte, R. Dörner, H. G. Muller, M. Büttiker, U. Keller,
Attosecond ionization and tunneling delay time measurements in helium,
Science 322, 1525-1529 (2008)
Petrissa Eckle, Mathias Smolarski, Philip Schlup, Jens Biegert, André Staudte, Markus Schöffler, Harm G Muller, Reinhard Dörner, Ursula Keller,
Attosecond angular streaking,
Nature Physics 4, 565-570 (2008)
Justin Gagnon, Kevin F. Lee, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum, V. R. Bhardwaj,
Coincidence imaging of polyatomic molecules via laser-induced Coulomb explosion,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 41, 215104 (2008)
M. Gertsvolf, H. Jean-Ruel, P. P. Rajeev, D. D. Klug, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Orientation-dependent multiphoton ionization in wide band gap crystals,
Physical Review Letters 101, 243001 (2008)
David Grojo, M. Gertsvolf, H. Jean-Ruel, S. Lei, L. Ramunno, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Self-controlled formation of microlenses by optical breakdown inside wide-band-gap materials,
Applied Physics Letters 93, 243118 (2008)
Philipp Gruene, André Fielicke, Gerard Meijer, David M. Rayner,
The adsorption of CO on group 10 (Ni, Pd, Pt) transition-metal clusters,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 6144-6149 (2008)
Philipp Gruene, David M. Rayner, Britta Redlich, Alexander F. G. van der Meer, Jonathan T. Lyon, Gerard Meijer, André Fielicke,
Structures of neutral Au7, Au19, and Au20 clusters in the gas phase,
Science 321, 674-676 (2008) DOI
Stefanie Gräfe, Volker Engel, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy of electron tunneling in a dissociating hydrogen molecular ion,
Physical Review Letters 101, 103001 (2008) DOI
Stefanie Gräfe, Misha Yu. Ivanov,
On the electron localization dynamics induced by laser-driven electronic rescattering,
Journal Of Modern Optics 55, 2557-2572 (2008) DOI
K. Kreidi, D. Akoury, T. Jahnke, Th. Weber, A. Staudte, M. Schöffler, N. Neumann, J. Titze, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, A. Czasch, O. Jagutzki, R. A. Costa Fraga, R. E. Grisenti, M. Smolarski, P. Ranitovic, C. L. Cocke, T. Osipov, H. Adaniya, J. C. Thompson, M. H. Prior, A. Belkacem, A. L. Landers, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner,
Interference in the collective electron momentum in double photoionization of H 2,
Physical Review Letters 100, 133005 (2008) DOI
Rune Lausten, Olga Smirnova, Benjamin J. Sussman, Stefanie Gräfe, Anders S. Mouritzen, Albert Stolow,
Time-and frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy with sub-25 fs laser pulses,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 128, 244310 (2008) DOI
Wen Li, Xibin Zhou, Robynne Lock, Serguei Patchkovskii, Albert Stolow, Henry C. Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane,
Time-resolved dynamics in N2O4 probed using high harmonic generation,
Science 322, 1207-1211 (2008) DOI
I. V. Litvinyuk, A. S. Alnaser, D. Comtois, D. Ray, A. T. Hasan, J. C. Kieffer, D. M. Villeneuve,
Wavelength-dependent study of strong-field Coulomb explosion of hydrogen,
New Journal Of Physics 10, 083011 (2008) DOI
Y. Mairesse, J. Levesque, N. Dudovich, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
High harmonic generation from aligned molecules-amplitude and polarization,
Journal Of Modern Optics 55, 2591-2602 (2008) DOI
Y. Mairesse, D. Zeidler, N. Dudovich, M. Spanner, J. Levesque, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
High-order harmonic transient grating spectroscopy in a molecular jet,
Physical Review Letters 100, 143903 (2008) DOI
Yann Mairesse, N. Dudovich, J. Levesque, M. Yu Ivanov, Paul B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Electron wavepacket control with elliptically polarized laser light in high harmonic generation from aligned molecules,
New Journal Of Physics 10, 025015 (2008) DOI
Moritz Meckel, D. Comtois, D. Zeidler, Andre Staudte, D. Pavičić, H. C. Bandulet, H. Pépin, J. C. Kieffer, R. Dörner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Laser-induced electron tunneling and diffraction,
Science 320, 1478-1482 (2008) Highly Cited DOI
Ryan Murray, Misha Ivanov,
Two-color control of laser induced electron diffraction,
Journal Of Modern Optics 55, 2513-2525 (2008)
J. Nunn, K. Reim, KC Lee, V. O. Lorenz, B. J. Sussman, I. A. Walmsley, D. Jaksch,
Multimode memories in atomic ensembles,
Physical Review Letters 101, 260502 (2008)
M. S. Schöffler, K. Kreidi, D. Akoury, T. Jahnke, A. Staudte, N. Neumann, J. Titze, L. Ph H. Schmidt, A. Czasch, O. Jagutzki, others,
Photo-double-ionization of H 2: two-center interference and its dependence on the internuclear distance,
Physical Review A 78, 013414 (2008)
Olga Smirnova, Michael Spanner, Misha Ivanov,
Analytical solutions for strong field-driven atomic and molecular one-and two-electron continua and applications to strong-field problems,
Physical Review A 77, 033407 (2008) DOI
Albert Stolow, Jonathan G. Underwood,
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of non-adiabatic dynamics in polyatomic molecules,
Advances In Chemical Physics 139, PAGES (2008)
K. Surmacz, J. Nunn, K. Reim, K. C. Lee, V. O. Lorenz, B. Sussman, I. A. Walmsley, D. Jaksch,
Efficient spatially resolved multimode quantum memory,
Physical Review A 78, 033806 (2008)
Benjamin J. Sussman, Rune Lausten, Albert Stolow,
Focusing of light following a 4-f pulse shaper: Considerations for quantum control,
Physical Review A 77, 043416 (2008) DOI
Ingmar Swart, Frank M. F. De Groot, Bert M. Weckhuysen, David M. Rayner, Gerard Meijer, André Fielicke,
The effect of charge on CO binding in rhodium carbonyls: From bridging to terminal CO,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society 130, 2126-2127 (2008) DOI
Carlos Trallero, Brett J. Pearson, Thomas Weinacht, Kandis Gilliard, Spiridoula Matsika,
Interpreting ultrafast molecular fragmentation dynamics with ab initio electronic structure calculations,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 128, 124107 (2008) DOI
Carlos Trallero-Herrero, Stephen D. Clow, Thomas Bergeman, Thomas Weinacht,
Strong field coherent control of atomic population transfer,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 41, 074014 (2008) DOI
F. C. Waldermann, Benjamin J. Sussman, J. Nunn, V. O. Lorenz, K. C. Lee, K. Surmacz, K. H. Lee, D. Jaksch, I. A. Walmsley, P. Spizziri, others,
Measuring phonon dephasing with ultrafast pulses using Raman spectral interference,
Physical Review B 78, 155201 (2008)
G. L. Yudin, S. Patchkovskii, A. D. Bandrauk,
Chirp-dependent attosecond interference in the Coulomb-Volkov continuum,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 41, 045602 (2008)


D. Akoury, K. Kreidi, T. Jahnke, Th. Weber, A. Staudte, M. Schöffler, N. Neumann, J. Titze, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, A. Czasch, O. Jagutzki, R. A. Costa Fraga, R. E. Grisenti, R. Dı́ez Muiño, N. A. Cherepkov, S. K. Semenov, P. Ranitovic, C. L. Cocke, T. Osipov, H. Adaniya, J. C. Thompson, M. H. Prior, A. Belkacem, A. L. Landers, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner,
The simplest double slit: interference and entanglement in double photoionization of H2,
Science 318, 949-952 (2007) DOI
Szczepan Chelkowski, André D. Bandrauk, André Staudte, Paul B. Corkum,
Dynamic nuclear interference structures in the Coulomb explosion spectra of a hydrogen molecule in intense laser fields: Reexamination of molecular enhanced ionization,
Physical Review A 76, 013405 (2007)
P. B. Corkum, Ferenc Krausz,
Attosecond science,
Nature Physics 3, 381-387 (2007) Highly Cited DOI
Niklas Gador, Elena Samoylova, Valoris Reid Smith, Albert Stolow, David M. Rayner, Wolfgang Radloff, Ingolf Volker Hertel, Thomas Schultz,
Electronic structure of adenine and thymine base pairs studied by femtosecond electron- ion coincidence spectroscopy,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 111, 11743-11749 (2007)
C. Hnatovsky, E. Simova, P. P. Rajeev, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum, R. S. Taylor,
Femtosecond laser writing of porous capillaries inside fused silica glass,
Optics Letters 32, 1459-1461 (2007) DOI
Hanneli R. Hudock, Benjamin G. Levine, Alexis L. Thompson, Helmut Satzger, D. Townsend, N. Gador, S. Ullrich, Albert Stolow, Todd J. Martinez,
Ab initio molecular dynamics and time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of electronically excited uracil and thymine,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 111, 8500-8508 (2007)
T. Jahnke, A. Czasch, M. Schöffler, S. Schössler, M. Käsz, J. Titze, K. Kreidi, R. E. Grisenti, A. Staudte, O. Jagutzki, L Ph H Schmidt, S K Semenov, N A Cherepkov, H Schmidt-Böcking, R Dörner,
Photoelectron and ICD electron angular distributions from fixed-in-space neon dimers,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 40, 2597 (2007) DOI
T. Jahnke, A. Czasch, M. Schöffler, S. Schössler, M. K̈asz, J. Titze, K. Kreidi, R. E. Grisenti, A. Staudte, O. Jagutzki, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, Th. Weber, H. Schmidt-Böcking, K. Ueda, R. Dörner,
Experimental separation of virtual photon exchange and electron transfer in interatomic Coulombic decay of neon dimers,
Physical Review Letters 99, 153401 (2007) DOI
A. M. D. Lee, J. D. Coe, S. Ullrich, M-L Ho, S-J Lee, B-M Cheng, M. Z. Zgierski, I. C. Chen, T. J. Martinez, Albert Stolow,
Substituent effects on dynamics at conical intersections: $α$, $β$-enones,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 111, 11948-11960 (2007)
J. Levesque, D. Zeidler, J. P. Marangos, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
High harmonic generation and the role of atomic orbital wave functions,
Physical Review Letters 98, 183903 (2007) DOI
Jérôme Levesque, Yann Mairesse, Nirit Dudovich, Henri Pépin, Jean-Claude Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Polarization state of high-order harmonic emission from aligned molecules,
Physical Review Letters 99, 243001 (2007) DOI
Y. Mairesse, N. Dudovich, J. Levesque, D. Kartashov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, T. Auguste,
Transient phase masks in high-harmonic generation,
Optics Letters 32, 436-438 (2007) DOI
Matthew Noestheden, Qingyan Hu, Li-Lin Tay, Angela M Tonary, Albert Stolow, Roger MacKenzie, Jamshid Tanha, John Paul Pezacki,
Synthesis and characterization of CN-modified protein analogues as potential vibrational contrast agents,
Bioorganic Chemistry 35, 284-293 (2007)
Serguei Patchkovskii, Zengxiu Zhao, Thomas Brabec, David M. Villeneuve,
High harmonic generation and molecular orbital tomography in multielectron systems,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 126, 114306 (2007) DOI
Domagoj Pavičić, Kevin F. Lee, David M. Rayner, Paul B. Corkum, David M. Villeneuve,
Direct measurement of the angular dependence of ionization for N 2, O 2, and CO 2 in intense laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 98, 243001 (2007) Highly Cited DOI
P. P. Rajeev, M. Gertsvolf, C. Hnatovsky, E. Simova, R. S. Taylor, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner, V. R. Bhardwaj,
Transient nanoplasmonics inside dielectrics,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 40, S273 (2007)
A. Staudte, D. Pavičić, S. Chelkowski, D. Zeidler, M. Meckel, H. Niikura, M. Schöffler, S. Schössler, B. Ulrich, P. P. Rajeev, Th. Weber, T. Jahnke, D. M. Villeneuve, A. D. Bandrauk, C. L. Cocke, P. B. Corkum, R. Dörner,
Attosecond strobing of two-surface population dynamics in dissociating H 2+,
Physical Review Letters 98, 073003 (2007) DOI
A. Staudte, C. Ruiz, M. Schöffler, S. Schössler, D. Zeidler, Th. Weber, M. Meckel, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, A. Becker, R. Dörner,
Binary and recoil collisions in strong field double ionization of helium,
Physical Review Letters 99, 263002 (2007) DOI
Ingmar Swart, André Fielicke, David M. Rayner, Gerard Meijer, Bert M. Weckhuysen, Frank M. F. de Groot,
Controlling the Bonding of CO on Cobalt Clusters by Coadsorption of H2,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46, 5317-5320 (2007)
R. S. Taylor, C. Hnatovsky, E. Simova, P. P. Rajeev, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Femtosecond laser erasing and rewriting of self-organized planar nanocracks in fused silica glass,
Optics Letters 32, 2888-2890 (2007)
David M. Villeneuve,
Attophysics: At a glance,
Nature 449, 997-999 (2007) DOI
G. L. Yudin, Serguei Patchkovskii, P. B. Corkum, A. D. Bandrauk,
Attosecond photoelectron interference in the separable Coulomb-Volkov continuum,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 40, F93 (2007)


V. R. Bhardwaj, P. P. Rajeev, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner,
Strong field ionization inside transparent solids,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, S397 (2006) DOI
V. R. Bhardwaj, E. Simova, P. P. Rajeev, C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Optically produced arrays of planar nanostructures inside fused silica,
Physical Review Letters 96, 057404 (2006) DOI
S. Chelkowski, G. L. Yudin, A. D. Bandrauk,
Observing electron motion in molecules,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, S409 (2006)
N. Dudovich, J. Levesque, Olga Smirnova, D. Zeidler, D. Comtois, M. Yu Ivanov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond temporal gating with elliptically polarized light,
Physical Review Letters 97, 253903 (2006) DOI
N. Dudovich, O. Smirnova, J. Levesque, Y. Mairesse, M. Yu Ivanov, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Observing the Birth of attosecond pulses,
Acta Physica Hungarica Series B, Quantum Electronics 26, 359-364 (2006) DOI
N. Dudovich, Olga Smirnova, J. Levesque, Yu Mairesse, M. Yu Ivanov, D. M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum,
Measuring and controlling the birth of attosecond XUV pulses,
Nature Physics 2, 781-786 (2006) DOI
André Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, David B. Pedersen, Benoit Simard, David M. Rayner,
Size and charge effects on the binding of CO to late transition metal clusters,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 124, 194305 (2006) DOI
Oliver Gessner, AMD Lee, James P. Shaffer, Hanna Reisler, Sergey V. Levchenko, Anna I. Krylov, Jonathan G. Underwood, H. Shi, Allan L. L. East, D. M. Wardlaw, E. t. H. Chrysostom, C. C. Hayden, Albert Stolow,
Femtosecond multidimensional imaging of a molecular dissociation,
Science 311, 219-222 (2006) DOI
C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, E. Simova, P. P. Rajeev, D. M. Rayner, V. R. Bhardwaj, P. B. Corkum,
Fabrication of microchannels in glass using focused femtosecond laser radiation and selective chemical etching,
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 84, 47-61 (2006) DOI
Kevin F. Lee, F. Legare, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Measured field-free alignment of deuterium by few-cycle pulses,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, 4081 (2006) DOI
Kevin F. Lee, E. A. Shapiro, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Coherent creation and annihilation of rotational wave packets in incoherent ensembles,
Physical Review A 73, 033403 (2006) DOI
Kevin F. Lee, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, Albert Stolow, Jonathan G. Underwood,
Field-free three-dimensional alignment of polyatomic molecules,
Physical Review Letters 97, 173001 (2006) DOI
Sergey V. Levchenko, Hanna Reisler, Anna I. Krylov, Oliver Gessner, Albert Stolow, Huancong Shi, Allan L. L. East,
Photodissociation dynamics of the NO dimer. I. Theoretical overview of the ultraviolet singlet excited states,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 125, 084301 (2006)
Jérôme Levesque, Paul B. Corkum,
Attosecond science and technology,
Canadian Journal Of Physics 84, 1-18 (2006)
Jérôme Levesque, Jiro Itatani, Dirk Zeidler, Henri Pépin, Jean-Claude Kieffer, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Probing the electronic structure of molecules with high harmonics,
Journal Of Modern Optics 53, 185-192 (2006) DOI
X. Liu, C. Figueira de Morisson Faria, Wilhelm Becker, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond electron thermalization by laser-driven electron recollision in atoms,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, L305 (2006)
F. Légaré, Kevin F. Lee, A. D. Bandrauk, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Laser Coulomb explosion imaging for probing ultra-fast molecular dynamics,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, S503 (2006) DOI
B. F. Mansour, H. Anis, D. Zeidler, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Generation of 11 fs pulses by using hollow-core gas-filled fibers at a 100 kHz repetition rate,
Optics Letters 31, 3185-3187 (2006) DOI
S. A. Mitchell,
Nonlinear susceptibility of a cyanobiphenyl derivative at the air/water interface: Improved measurement of molecular orientation by optical second harmonic generation,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 110, 883-890 (2006)
S. A. Mitchell,
Origin of second harmonic generation optical activity of a tryptophan derivative at the air/water interface,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 125, 044716 (2006)
Xiaolin Nan, Angela M. Tonary, Albert Stolow, X. Sunney Xie, John Paul Pezacki,
Intracellular Imaging of HCV RNA and Cellular Lipids by Using Simultaneous Two-Photon Fluorescence and Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopies,
Chembiochem 7, 1895-1897 (2006)
Hiromichi Niikura, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Controlling vibrational wave packets with intense, few-cycle laser pulses,
Physical Review A 73, 021402 (2006) DOI
Serguei Patchkovskii, Zengxiu Zhao, Thomas Brabec, D. M. Villeneuve,
High harmonic generation and molecular orbital tomography in multielectron systems: Beyond the single active electron approximation,
Physical Review Letters 97, 123003 (2006) DOI
P. P. Rajeev, Marina Gertsvolf, E. Simova, C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Memory in nonlinear ionization of transparent solids,
Physical Review Letters 97, 253001 (2006) DOI
Helmut Satzger, Dave Townsend, Albert Stolow,
Reassignment of the low lying cationic states in gas phase adenine and 9-methyl adenine,
Chemical Physics Letters 430, 144-148 (2006)
Helmut Satzger, Dave Townsend, Marek Z. Zgierski, Serguei Patchkovskii, Susanne Ullrich, Albert Stolow,
Primary processes underlying the photostability of isolated DNA bases: Adenine,
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences 103, 10196-10201 (2006) DOI
Armin Scrinzi, M. Yu Ivanov, Reinhard Kienberger, David M. Villeneuve,
Attosecond physics,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, R1 (2006) Highly Cited DOI
Benjamin J. Sussman, Dave Townsend, Misha Yu Ivanov, Albert Stolow,
Dynamic stark control of photochemical processes,
Science 314, 278-281 (2006) DOI
Benjamin J. Sussman, Jonathan G. Underwood, R. Lausten, Misha Yu Ivanov, Albert Stolow,
Quantum control via the dynamic Stark effect: Application to switched rotational wave packets and molecular axis alignment,
Physical Review A 73, 053403 (2006) DOI
Dave Townsend, Helmut Satzger, Tine Ejdrup, Anthony M. D. Lee, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Albert Stolow,
B 2 1 ($Σ$ u+ 1) excited state decay dynamics in CS 2,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 125, 234302 (2006)
Cathie Ventalon, James M. Fraser, Jean-Pierre Likforman, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, Manuel Joffre,
Generation and complete characterization of intense mid-infrared ultrashort pulses,
JOSA B 23, 332-340 (2006) DOI
G. L. Yudin, A. D. Bandrauk, P. B. Corkum,
Chirped attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy,
Physical Review Letters 96, 063002 (2006) DOI
G. L. Yudin, S. Patchkovskii, A. D. Bandrauk,
Asymmetric interference in molecular photoprocesses,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, 1537 (2006)
D. Zeidler, A. B. Bardon, André Staudte, D. M. Villeneuve, R. Dörner, P. B. Corkum,
Alignment independence of the instantaneous ionization rate for nitrogen molecules,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, L159 (2006) DOI


Vedula R. Bhardwaj, E. Simova, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner, C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, B. Schreder, M. Kluge, J. Zimmer,
Femtosecond laser-induced refractive index modification in multicomponent glasses,
Journal Of Applied Physics 97, 083102 (2005)
Pavel Cheben, Ian Powell, Siegfried Janz, Dan-Xia Xu,
Wavelength-dispersive device based on a Fourier-transform Michelson-type arrayed waveguide grating,
Optics Letters 30, 1824-1826 (2005)
D. Comtois, D. Zeidler, H. Pépin, J. C. Kieffer, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Observation of Coulomb focusing in tunnelling ionization of noble gases,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 38, 1923 (2005) DOI
André Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, David B. Pedersen, Benoit Simard, David M. Rayner,
Gold cluster carbonyls: Saturated adsorption of CO on gold cluster cations, vibrational spectroscopy, and implications for their structures,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society 127, 8416-8423 (2005)
André Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, Benoit Simard, David M. Rayner,
Direct observation of size dependent activation of NO on gold clusters,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7, 3906-3909 (2005)
André Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, Benoit Simard, David M. Rayner,
Gold cluster carbonyls: Vibrational spectroscopy of the anions and the effects of cluster size, charge, and coverage on the CO stretching frequency,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 109, 23935-23940 (2005)
L. N. Gaier, M. Lein, M. I. Stockman, G. L. Yudin, P. B. Corkum, M. Yu Ivanov, P. L. Knight,
Hole-assisted energy deposition in dielectrics and clusters in the multiphoton regime,
Journal Of Modern Optics 52, 1019-1030 (2005)
C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, P. P. Rajeev, E. Simova, V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Pulse duration dependence of femtosecond-laser-fabricated nanogratings in fused silica,
Applied Physics Letters 87, 014104 (2005)
C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, E. Simova, V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
High-resolution study of photoinduced modification in fused silica produced by a tightly focused femtosecond laser beam in the presence of aberrations,
Journal Of Applied Physics 98, 013517 (2005)
C. Hnatovsky, R. S. Taylor, E. Simova, V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Polarization-selective etching in femtosecond laser-assisted microfluidic channel fabrication in fused silica,
Optics Letters 30, 1867-1869 (2005)
J. Itatani, J. Levesque, D. Zeidler, H. Niikura, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals with high-harmonic generation,
Laser Physics 15, 525-528 (2005)
J. Itatani, D. Zeidler, J. Levesque, Michael Spanner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Controlling high harmonic generation with molecular wave packets,
Physical Review Letters 94, 123902 (2005) DOI
M. Yu Ivanov, I. A. Walmsley,
Foreword Special Issue: Attosecond Science,
Journal Of Modern Optics 52, 163-164 (2005)
Misha Yu Ivanov, Michael Spanner, Olga Smirnova,
Anatomy of strong field ionization,
Journal Of Modern Optics 52, 165-184 (2005)
Rune Lausten, Paul Rochon, Mario Ivanov, Pavel Cheben, Siegfried Janz, Pierre Desjardins, John Ripmeester, Torsten Siebert, Albert Stolow,
Optically reconfigurable azobenzene polymer-based fiber Bragg filter,
Applied Optics 44, 7039-7042 (2005)
Igor V. Litvinyuk, François Légaré, Patrick W. Dooley, David M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum, Jürgen Zanghellini, Alexander Pegarkov, Christian Fabian, Thomas Brabec,
Shakeup excitation during optical tunnel ionization,
Physical Review Letters 94, 033003 (2005) DOI
F. Légaré, Kevin F. Lee, I. V. Litvinyuk, P. W. Dooley, A. D. Bandrauk, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Imaging the time-dependent structure of a molecule as it undergoes dynamics,
Physical Review A 72, 052717 (2005) DOI
F. Légaré, Kevin F. Lee, I. V. Litvinyuk, P. W. Dooley, S. S. Wesolowski, P. R. Bunker, Peter Dombi, Ferenc Krausz, A. D. Bandrauk, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Laser Coulomb-explosion imaging of small molecules,
Physical Review A 71, 013415 (2005) DOI
S. A. Mitchell, R. A. McAloney, Douglas Moffatt, N. Mora-Diez, M. Z. Zgierski,
Second-harmonic generation optical activity of a polypeptide $α$-helix at the air/ water interface,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 122, 114707 (2005)
Hiromichi Niikura, F. Legare, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond dynamics using sub-laser-cycle electron pulses,
Journal Of Modern Optics 52, 453-464 (2005) DOI
Hiromichi Niikura, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Mapping attosecond electron wave packet motion,
Physical Review Letters 94, 083003 (2005) DOI
Dan Oron, Yaron Silberberg, Nirit Dudovich, David M. Villeneuve,
Efficient polarization gating of high-order harmonic generation by polarization-shaped ultrashort pulses,
Physical Review A 72, 063816 (2005) DOI
J. Mark Parnis, Eric Escobar-Cabrera, Matthew G. K. Thompson, J. Paul Jacula, Rick D. Lafleur, Alfredo Guevara-García, Ana Mart\ńez, David M. Rayner,
Cluster size selectivity in the product distribution of ethene dehydrogenation on niobium clusters,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 109, 7046-7056 (2005)
D. M. Rayner, Andrei Naumov, P. B. Corkum,
Ultrashort pulse non-linear optical absorption in transparent media,
Optics Express 13, 3208-3217 (2005)
E. A. Shapiro, Michael Spanner, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Quantum logic in coarse grained control of wavepackets,
Journal Of Modern Optics 52, 897-915 (2005)
Olga Smirnova, Vladislav S. Yakovlev, Misha Ivanov,
Use of electron correlation to make attosecond measurements without attosecond pulses,
Physical Review Letters 94, 213001 (2005)
Benjamin J. Sussman, Misha Yu Ivanov, Albert Stolow,
Nonperturbative quantum control via the nonresonant dynamic Stark effect,
Physical Review A 71, 051401 (2005)
Jonathan G. Underwood, Benjamin J. Sussman, Albert Stolow,
Field-free three dimensional molecular axis alignment,
Physical Review Letters 94, 143002 (2005)
D. M. Villeneuve, Hiromichi Niikura, Nenad Milosevic, Thomas Brabec, P. B. Corkum,
A molecular-scale photocathode-using a molecules own electrons to image itself,
Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 241, 69-72 (2005) DOI
David M. Villeneuve,
Toward creating a Rutherford atom,
Science 307, 1730-1731 (2005) DOI
G. L. Yudin, S. Chelkowski, A. D. Bandrauk,
Coulomb continuum effects in molecular interference,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39, L17 (2005)
G.L. Yudin, S. Chelkowski, J. Itatani, A. D. Bandrauk, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond photoionization of coherently coupled electronic states,
Physical Review A 72, 051401 (2005)
Dirk Zeidler, Andre Staudte, Alma B. Bardon, David M. Villeneuve, Reinhard Dörner, Paul B. Corkum,
Controlling attosecond double ionization dynamics via molecular alignment,
Physical Review Letters 95, 203003 (2005) DOI


V. R. Bhardwaj, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner,
Recollision during the high laser intensity ionization of C 60,
Physical Review Letters 93, 043001 (2004) DOI
V. R. Bhardwaj, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner, C. Hnatovsky, E. Simova, R. S. Taylor,
Stress in femtosecond-laser-written waveguides in fused silica,
Optics Letters 29, 1312-1314 (2004)
S. Chelkowski, A. D. Bandrauk, P. B. Corkum,
Muonic molecules in superintense laser fields: A route to laser control of nuclear processes,
Laser Physics 14, 473-481 (2004)
Szczepan Chelkowski, André D. Bandrauk, Paul B. Corkum,
Muonic molecules in superintense laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 93, 083602 (2004) DOI
Patrick W. Dooley, V. Ravi Bhardwaj, David M. Rayner, Paul B. Corkum,
Optically timed submillimeter time-of-flight mass spectrometry,
Analytical Chemistry 76, 262-266 (2004)
André Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, David B. Pedersen, Benoit Simard, David M. Rayner,
Size and charge effects on the binding of CO to small isolated rhodium clusters,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 108, 14591-14598 (2004)
L. N. Gaier, M. Lein, M. I. Stockman, P. L. Knight, P. B. Corkum, M. Yu Ivanov, G. L. Yudin,
Ultrafast multiphoton forest fires and fractals in clusters and dielectrics,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 37, L57 (2004) DOI
O. Gessner, E. T-H Chrysostom, A. M. D. Lee, D. M. Wardlaw, M-L Ho, S-J Lee, B-M Cheng, M. Z. Zgierski, I-C Chen, J. P. Shaffer, C. C. Hayden, A. Stolow,
Non-adiabatic intramolecular and photodissociation dynamics studied by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron and coincidence imaging spectroscopy,
Faraday Discussions 127, 193-212 (2004) DOI
Jiro Itatani, Jérôme Levesque, Dirk Zeidler, Hiromichi Niikura, Henri Pépin, Jean-Claude Kieffer, Paul B. Corkum, David M. Villeneuve,
Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals,
Nature 432, 867-871 (2004) Highly Cited DOI
Jiro Itatani, F. Quéré, G. L. Yudin, P. B. Corkum,
Methods for measuring attosecond x-ray pulses with a strong laser field,
Laser Physics 14, 344-353 (2004)
Kevin F. Lee, I. V. Litvinyuk, P. W. Dooley, Michael Spanner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Two-pulse alignment of molecules,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 37, L43 (2004) DOI
Kevin F. Lee, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, E. A. Shapiro,
Phase control of rotational wave packets and quantum information,
Physical Review Letters 93, 233601 (2004) DOI
Alexei N. Markevitch, Dmitri A. Romanov, Stanley M. Smith, H. Bernhard Schlegel, Misha Yu Ivanov, Robert J. Levis,
Sequential nonadiabatic excitation of large molecules and ions driven by strong laser fields,
Physical Review A 69, 013401 (2004) DOI
Nenad Milosevic, Paul B. Corkum, Thomas Brabec,
How to use lasers for imaging attosecond dynamics of nuclear processes,
Physical Review Letters 92, 013002 (2004) DOI
H. Niikura, F. Legaré, J. Itatani, M. Yu Ivanov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond science and technology,
Physics In Canada 60, 269-272 (2004)
Hiromichi Niikura, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Stopping a vibrational wave packet with laser-induced dipole forces,
Physical Review Letters 92, 133002 (2004) DOI
David B. Pedersen, J. Mark Parnis, Rick D. Lafleur, David M. Rayner,
Association complex formation in gas-phase Ta cluster reactions with simple alkanes: probing the role of entropy in rate determination for barrierless adsorption processes,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 108, 2682-2689 (2004)
David B. Pedersen, David M. Rayner, Benoit Simard, Magdalene A. Addicoat, Mark A. Buntine, Gregory F. Metha, Andre Fielicke,
Photoionization of Nb3CO and Nb3 (CO) 2: Is CO molecularly or dissociatively adsorbed on niobium?,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 108, 964-970 (2004)
E. A. Shapiro, Misha Yu Ivanov, Yuly Billig,
Coarse-grained controllability of wavepackets by free evolution and phase shifts,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 120, 9925-9933 (2004)
Olga Smirnova, Daniel L. Freimund, Herman Batelaan, Misha Ivanov,
Kapitza-Dirac diffraction without standing waves: diffraction without a grating?,
Physical Review Letters 92, 223601 (2004) DOI
Marc Smits, C. A. de Lange, Albert Stolow, D. M. Rayner,
Absolute ionization rates of multielectron transition metal atoms in strong infrared laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 93, 213003 (2004) DOI
Marc Smits, C. A. de Lange, Albert Stolow, D. M. Rayner,
Dynamic polarization in the strong-field ionization of small metal clusters,
Physical Review Letters 93, 203402 (2004) DOI
Michael Spanner, E. A. Shapiro, Misha Ivanov,
Coherent control of rotational wave-packet dynamics via fractional revivals,
Physical Review Letters 92, 093001 (2004) DOI
Michael Spanner, Olga Smirnova, Paul B. Corkum, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Reading diffraction images in strong field ionization of diatomic molecules,
Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 37, L243 (2004) DOI
Albert Stolow, Arthur E. Bragg, Daniel M. Neumark,
Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Chemical Reviews 104, 1719-1758 (2004)
Albert Stolow, David M. Jonas,
Multidimensional snapshots of chemical dynamics,
Science 305, 1575-1577 (2004)
Susanne Ullrich, Thomas Schultz, Marek Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Direct observation of electronic relaxation dynamics in adenine via time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society 126, 2262-2263 (2004)
Susanne Ullrich, Thomas Schultz, Marek Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Electronic relaxation dynamics in DNA and RNA bases studied by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6, 2796-2801 (2004)
M. Weckenbrock, D. Zeidler, A. Staudte, Th. Weber, M. Schöffler, M. Meckel, S. Kammer, M. Smolarski, O. Jagutzki, V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, R. Dörner,
Fully Differential Rates for Femtosecond Multiphoton Double Ionization of Neon,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 213002 (2004) DOI PDF
G. L. Yudin, L. N. Gaier, M. Lein, P. L. Knight, P. B. Corkum, M. Yu Ivanov,
Hole-assisted energy deposition in clusters and dielectrics in multiphoton regime,
Laser Physics 14, 51-56 (2004)
S. N. Yurchenko, S. Patchkovskii, I. V. Litvinyuk, Paul B. Corkum, Gennady L. Yudin,
Laser-induced interference, focusing, and diffraction of rescattering molecular photoelectrons,
Physical Review Letters 93, 223003 (2004) DOI


Mohammed Bahou, K Sankaran, Yu-Jong Wu, Yuan-Pern Lee, David Rayner, Benoit Simard,
Isomers of Ge 2 N 2: Production and infrared absorption of GeNNGe in solid N 2,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 118, 9710-9718 (2003)
V. R. Bhardwaj, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner,
Internal laser-induced dipole force at work in C 60 molecule,
Physical Review Letters 91, 203004 (2003)
Patrick W. Dooley, Igor V. Litvinyuk, Kevin F. Lee, David M. Rayner, Michael Spanner, David M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum,
Direct imaging of rotational wave-packet dynamics of diatomic molecules,
Physical Review A 68, 023406 (2003)
André Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, Benoit Simard, Stéphane Dénommée, David M. Rayner,
Vibrational Spectroscopy of CO in Gas-Phase Rhodium Cluster- CO Complexes,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society 125, 11184-11185 (2003)
P. Haljan, T. Fortier, P. Hawrylak, P. B. Corkum, M. Yu Ivanov,
High harmonic generation and level bifurcation in strongly driven quantum wells,
Laser Physics 13, 452-456 (2003)
Igor V. Litvinyuk, Kevin F. Lee, Patrick W. Dooley, David M. Rayner, David M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum,
Alignment-dependent strong field ionization of molecules,
Physical Review Letters 90, 233003 (2003)
F. Légaré, I. V. Litvinyuk, P. W. Dooley, F. Quéré, A. D. Bandrauk, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Time-resolved double ionization with few cycle laser pulses,
Physical Review Letters 91, 093002 (2003)
Alexei N. Markevitch, Stanley M. Smith, Dmitri A. Romanov, H. Bernhard Schlegel, Misha Yu Ivanov, Robert J. Levis,
Nonadiabatic dynamics of polyatomic molecules and ions in strong laser fields,
Physical Review A 68, 011402 (2003)
Hiromichi Niikura, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Villeneuve,
Controlling vibrational wave packet motion with intense modulated laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 90, 203601 (2003)
Hiromichi Niikura, F. Légaré, R. Hasbani, Misha Yu Ivanov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Probing molecular dynamics with attosecond resolution using correlated wave packet pairs,
Nature 421, 826-829 (2003) Highly Cited DOI
Alexandra Olaya-Castro, Marek Korkusinski, Pawel Hawrylak, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Effective Bloch equations for strongly driven modulation-doped quantum wells,
Physical Review B 68, 155305 (2003)
F. Quéré, J. Itatani, G. L. Yudin, P. B. Corkum,
Attosecond spectral shearing interferometry,
Physical Review Letters 90, 073902 (2003)
Hirofumi Sakai, Jakob Juul Larsen, Ida Wendt-Larsen, Johannes Olesen, Paul B. Corkum, Henrik Stapelfeldt,
Nonsequential double ionization of D 2 molecules with intense 20-fs pulses,
Physical Review A 67, 063404 (2003)
Thomas Schultz, Jason Quenneville, Benjamin Levine, Alessandro Toniolo, Todd J. Martı́nez, Stefan Lochbrunner, Michael Schmitt, James P. Shaffer, Marek Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Mechanism and dynamics of azobenzene photoisomerization,
Journal Of The American Chemical Society 125, 8098-8099 (2003)
E. A. Shapiro, I. Khavkine, Michael Spanner, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Strong-field molecular alignment for quantum logic and quantum control,
Physical Review A 67, 013406 (2003)
E. A. Shapiro, Michael Spanner, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Quantum logic approach to wave packet control,
Physical Review Letters 91, 237901 (2003)
Benoit Simard, David M. Rayner, Emmanuel Benichou, Norma Mireles, Francisco J. Tenorio, Ana Martı́nez,
Solvation of yttrium with ammonia: An experimental and theoretical study,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 107, 9099-9104 (2003)
Olga Smirnova, M. Yu Ivanov,
Laser-induced suppression of the Coulomb explosions of diatomic molecules,
Laser Physics 13, 975-984 (2003)
Olga Smirnova, Michael Spanner, Misha Ivanov,
Molecule without electrons: Binding bare nuclei with strong laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 90, 243001 (2003)
Marc Smits, C. A. de Lange, Susanne Ullrich, Thomas Schultz, M. Schmitt, Jonathan G. Underwood, James P. Shaffer, D. M. Rayner, Albert Stolow,
Stable kilohertz rate molecular beam laser ablation sources,
Review Of Scientific Instruments 74, 4812-4817 (2003)
Michael Spanner,
Strong field tunnel ionization by real-valued classical trajectories,
Physical Review Letters 90, 233005 (2003)
Michael Spanner, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Optimal generation of single-dispersion precompensated 1-fs pulses by molecular phase modulation,
Optics Letters 28, 576-578 (2003)
Michael Spanner, Misha Yu Ivanov, Vladimir Kalosha, Joachim Hermann, Douwe A. Wiersma, Maxim Pshenichnikov,
Tunable optimal compression of ultrabroadband pulses by cross-phase modulation,
Optics Letters 28, 749-751 (2003)
Michael Spanner, M. Pshenichnikov, V. Olvo, Mikhail Ivanov,
Controlled supercontinuum generation for optimal pulse compression: a time-warp analysis of nonlinear propagation of ultra-broad-band pulses,
Applied Physics B: Lasers And Optics 77, 329-336 (2003)
Albert Stolow,
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy: Non-adiabatic dynamics in polyatomic molecules,
International Reviews In Physical Chemistry 22, 377-405 (2003)
Albert Stolow,
Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules,
Annual Review Of Physical Chemistry 54, 89-119 (2003)
Rod S. Taylor, Cyril Hnatovsky, Eli Simova, David M. Rayner, V. R. Bhardwaj, Paul B. Corkum,
Femtosecond laser fabrication of nanostructures in silica glass,
Optics Letters 28, 1043-1045 (2003)
Rod S. Taylor, Cyril Hnatovsky, Eli Simova, David M. Rayner, M. Mehandale, V. R. Bhardwaj, P. B. Corkum,
Ultra-high resolution index of refraction profiles of femtosecond laser modified silica structures,
Optics Express 11, 775-781 (2003)
Jonathan G. Underwood, Michael Spanner, Misha Yu Ivanov, Jeff Mottershead, Benjamin J. Sussman, Albert Stolow,
Switched wave packets: a route to nonperturbative quantum control,
Physical Review Letters 90, 223001 (2003)
M. Weckenbrock, A. Becker, A. Staudte, S. Kammer, M. Smolarski, V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, R. Dörner,
Electron-Electron Momentum Exchange in Strong Field Double Ionization,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 123004 (2003) DOI PDF


J. M. Fraser, I. W. Cheung, F. Legare, D. M. Villeneuve, J. P. Likforman, M. Joffre, P. B. Corkum,
High-energy sub-picosecond pulse generation from 3 to 20 μm,
Applied Physics B 74, s153-s156 (2002)
R. Hasbani, B. Ostojić, P. R. Bunker, M. Yu. Ivanov,
Selective dissociation of the stronger bond in HCN using an optical centrifuge,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 116, 10636-10640 (2002)
J. Itatani, F. Quéré, Gennady L. Yudin, M. Yu Ivanov, Ferenc Krausz, Paul B. Corkum,
Attosecond streak camera,
Physical Review Letters 88, 173903 (2002)
Vladimir Kalosha, Michael Spanner, Joachim Herrmann, Misha Ivanov,
Generation of single dispersion precompensated 1-fs pulses by shaped-pulse optimized high-order stimulated Raman scattering,
Physical Review Letters 88, 103901 (2002)
Shih-Huang Lee, Kuo-Chun Tang, I-Chia Chen, M. Schmitt, J. P. Shaffer, Thomas Schultz, Jonathan G. Underwood, M. Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Substituent effects in molecular electronic relaxation dynamics via time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy: $π$$π$* states in benzenes,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 106, 8979-8991 (2002)
M. Lezius, V. Blanchet, Misha Yu Ivanov, Albert Stolow,
Polyatomic molecules in strong laser fields: Nonadiabatic multielectron dynamics,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 117, 1575-1588 (2002)
F. L. Légaré, J. M. Fraser, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Adaptive compression of intense 250-nm-bandwidth laser pulses,
Applied Physics B: Lasers And Optics 74, s279-s282 (2002)
Hiromichi Niikura, F. Légaré, R. Hasbani, A. D. Bandrauk, Misha Yu Ivanov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Sub-laser-cycle electron pulses for probing molecular dynamics,
Nature 417, 917-922 (2002) Highly Cited DOI
E. A. Shapiro,
Angular orientation of wave packets in molecules and atoms,
Laser Physics 12, 1448-1454 (2002)
Benoit Simard, Stéphane Dénommée, David M. Rayner, Deniz van Heijnsbergen, Gerard Meijer, Gert von Helden,
IR multiphoton depletion spectroscopy of metal cluster-ligand complexes,
Chemical Physics Letters 357, 195-203 (2002)
R. J. Verver, J. S. Wright, M. Yu Ivanov,
Simulation of pump-probe spectroscopy of a highly-charged diatomic molecule: Role of intermediate charged states and electronic and vibrational excitation in the multiple ionization of Cl 2 and strong-field spectroscopy of Cl 2 3+,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 117, 6991-7001 (2002)
D. M. Villeneuve, S. A. Aseyev, Albert Avery, P. B. Corkum,
Using frequency-domain manipulation of stretched femtosecond laser pulses to create fast rise and fall times on picosecond pulses,
Applied Physics B: Lasers And Optics 74, s157-s161 (2002)


V. R. Bhardwaj, D. M. Rayner, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Quantum interference in double ionization and fragmentation of C 6 H 6 in intense laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 87, 253003 (2001)
V. Ravi Bhardwaj, Sergey A. Aseyev, Manjusha Mehendale, Gennady L. Yudin, David M. Villeneuve, David M. Rayner, M. Yu Ivanov, Paul B. Corkum,
Few cycle dynamics of multiphoton double ionization,
Physical Review Letters 86, 3522 (2001)
V. Blanchet, M. Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Electronic continua in time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. I. Complementary ionization correlations,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 114, 1194-1205 (2001)
Markus Drescher, Michael Hentschel, Reinhard Kienberger, Gabriel Tempea, Christian Spielmann, Georg A. Reider, Paul B. Corkum, Ferenc Krausz,
X-ray pulses approaching the attosecond frontier,
Science 291, 1923-1927 (2001)
S. M. Hankin, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, D. M. Rayner,
Intense-field laser ionization rates in atoms and molecules,
Physical Review A 64, 013405 (2001) DOI
M. Hentschel, R. Kienberger, Ch Spielmann, Georg A. Reider, N. Milosevic, Thomas Brabec, Paul B. Corkum, Ulrich Heinzmann, Markus Drescher, Ferenc Krausz,
Attosecond metrology,
Nature 414, 509-513 (2001)
M. Lezius, Valérie Blanchet, D. M. Rayner, D. M. Villeneuve, Albert Stolow, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Nonadiabatic multielectron dynamics in strong field molecular ionization,
Physical Review Letters 86, 51 (2001)
J-P Likforman, M. Mehendale, D. M. Villeneuve, Manuel Joffre, P. B. Corkum,
Conversion of high-power 15-fs visible pulses to the mid infrared,
Optics Letters 26, 99-101 (2001)
S. Lochbrunner, Thomas Schultz, M. Schmitt, J. P. Shaffer, M. Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Dynamics of excited-state proton transfer systems via time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 114, 2519-2522 (2001)
S. A. Mitchell, M. Mehendale, D. M. Villeneuve, R. Boukherroub,
Second harmonic generation spectroscopy of chemically modified Si (111) surfaces,
Surface Science 488, 367-378 (2001)
David B. Pedersen, Marek Z. Zgierski, Sarah Anderson, David M. Rayner, Benoit Simard, Shengang Li, Dong-Sheng Yang,
Bonding in Transition Metal- Ether Complexes: The Spectroscopy and Reactivity of the Zr Atom- Dimethyl Ether System,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 105, 11462-11469 (2001)
Kevin Resch, Valerie Blanchet, Albert Stolow, Tamar Seideman,
Toward polyatomic wave packet decomposition: Final state effects,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 105, 2756-2763 (2001)
M. Schmitt, S. Lochbrunner, J. P. Shaffer, J. J. Larsen, M. Z. Zgierski, Albert Stolow,
Electronic continua in time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. II. Corresponding ionization correlations,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 114, 1206-1213 (2001)
Michael Spanner, Kristina M. Davitt, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Stability of angular confinement and rotational acceleration of a diatomic molecule in an optical centrifuge,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 115, 8403-8410 (2001)
Michael Spanner, M. Yu Ivanov,
Angular trapping and rotational dissociation of a diatomic molecule in an optical centrifuge,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 114, 3456-3464 (2001)
R. J. Verver, D. R. Matusek, J. S. Wright, G. N. Gibson, Ravi Bhardwaj, S. Aseyev, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, M. Yu Ivanov,
Production and Study of Triply Charged Diatomic Ions with Femtosecond Pulses: Application to,
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 105, 2435-2443 (2001)
Gennady L. Yudin, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Physics of correlated double ionization of atoms in intense laser fields: Quasistatic tunneling limit,
Physical Review A 63, 033404 (2001)
Gennady L. Yudin, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Nonadiabatic tunnel ionization: Looking inside a laser cycle,
Physical Review A 64, 013409 (2001)
Gennady L. Yudin, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Correlated multiphoton double ionization of helium: The role of nonadiabatic tunneling and singlet recollision,
Physical Review A 64, 035401 (2001)


V. Blanchet, S. Lochbrunner, M. Schmitt, J. P. Shaffer, Jakob Juul Larsen, M. Z. Zgierski, T. Seideman, A. Stolow,
Towards disentangling coupled electronic-vibrational dynamics in ultrafast non-adiabatic processes,
Faraday Discussions 115, 33-48 (2000)
Paul B. Corkum,
Laser Physics: Attosecond pulses at last,
Nature 403, 845-846 (2000)
P. Dietrich, Ferenc Krausz, P. B. Corkum,
Determining the absolute carrier phase of a few-cycle laser pulse,
Optics Letters 25, 16-18 (2000)
Steven M. Hankin, David M. Villeneuve, Paul B. Corkum, David M. Rayner,
Nonlinear ionization of organic molecules in high intensity laser fields,
Physical Review Letters 84, 5082 (2000)
S. Lochbrunner, J. J. Larsen, J. P. Shaffer, M. Schmitt, Thomas Schultz, J. G. Underwood, Albert Stolow,
Methods and applications of femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Journal Of Electron Spectroscopy And Related Phenomena 112, 183-198 (2000)
M. Mehendale, S. A. Mitchell, J-P Likforman, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Method for single-shot measurement of the carrier envelope phase of a few-cycle laser pulse,
Optics Letters 25, 1672-1674 (2000)
D. M. Villeneuve, S. A. Aseyev, P. Dietrich, M. Spanner, M. Yu Ivanov, P. B. Corkum,
Forced molecular rotation in an optical centrifuge,
Physical Review Letters 85, 542 (2000)


K. L. Baker, R. P. Drake, K. G. Estabrook, Brad Sleaford, M. K. Prasad, B. La Fontaine, D. M. Villeneuve,
Measurement of the frequency and spectral width of the Langmuir wave spectrum driven by stimulated Raman scattering,
Physics Of Plasmas 6, 4284-4292 (1999)
A. D. Bandrauk, S. Chelkowski, P. B. Corkum,
Measuring nuclear wave functions by laser Coulomb explosion imaging,
International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry 75, 951-959 (1999)
Valérie Blanchet, Marek Z. Zgierski, Tamar Seideman, Albert Stolow,
Discerning vibronic molecular dynamics using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Nature 401, 52-54 (1999)
Martin Brooks, Roland Brousseau, John Luong, Sylvain Charbonneau, John Cook, Marie D’Iorio, Ye Tao, Yves Deslandres, Jane Dyment, Paul Morley, Albert Stolow, Danial Wayner,
A Perspective on Molecular Electronics,
Physics In Canada 55, 285-292 (1999) DOI PDF
S. Chelkowski, P. B. Corkum, A. D. Bandrauk,
Femtosecond coulomb explosion imaging of vibrational wave functions,
Physical Review Letters 82, 3416 (1999)
E. Constant, H. Stapelfeldt, H. Sakai, P. B. Corkum,
Using Time-Resolved Coulomb Explosion Imaging to Measure Dissociative Molecular Wave Packets,
Comments On Atomic And Molecular Physics 1, 85-96 (1999)
E. Constant, H. Stapelfeldt, H. Sakai, P. B. Corkum,
Using Time-Resolved Coulomb Explosion Imaging to Measure Dissociative Molecular Wave Packets,
Comments On Atomic And Molecular Physics 1, 85-96 (1999)
P. B. Corkum, Christoph Ellert, Manjusha Mehendale, Peter Dietrich, Steven Hankin, Sergey Aseyev, David Rayner, David M. Villeneuve,
Molecular science with strong laser fields,
Faraday Discussions 113, 47-59 (1999) DOI
Ch Ellert, P. B. Corkum,
Disentangling molecular alignment and enhanced ionization in intense laser fields,
Physical Review A 59, R3170 (1999)
Juha Javanainen, Misha Yu Ivanov,
Splitting a trap containing a Bose-Einstein condensate: Atom number fluctuations,
Physical Review A 60, 2351 (1999)
Joanna Karczmarek, Malcolm Stott, Misha Ivanov,
Two-color control of localization: from lattices to spin systems,
Physical Review A 60, R4225 (1999)
Joanna Karczmarek, James Wright, Paul B. Corkum, Misha Ivanov,
Optical centrifuge for molecules,
Physical Review Letters 82, 3420 (1999)
Moshe Shapiro, Marc J. J. Vrakking, Albert Stolow,
Nonadiabatic wave packet dynamics: Experiment and theory in IBr,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 110, 2465-2473 (1999)
J. S. Wright, G. A. DiLabio, D. R. Matusek, P. B. Corkum, M. Yu Ivanov, Ch Ellert, R. J. Buenker, A. B. Alekseyev, G. Hirsch,
Dissociation of molecular chlorine in a Coulomb explosion: Potential curves, bound states, and deviation from Coulombic behavior for Cl 2 n+(n= 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10),
Physical Review A 59, 4512 (1999)
X. Zhu, A. Yu Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum,
Influence of laser parameters and material properties on micro drilling with femtosecond laser pulses,
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 69, S367-S371 (1999)
X. Zhu, D. M. Villeneuve, A. Yu Naumov, S. Nikumb, P. B. Corkum,
Experimental study of drilling sub-10 μm holes in thin metal foils with femtosecond laser pulses,
Applied Surface Science 152, 138-148 (1999)


A. Berces, P. A. Hackett, Li Lian, S. A. Mitchell, D. M. Rayner,
Reactivity of niobium clusters with nitrogen and deuterium,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 108, 5476-5490 (1998)
Valérie Blanchet, Albert Stolow,
Nonadiabatic dynamics in polyatomic systems studied by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 108, 4371-4374 (1998)
L. A. Brown, D. M. Rayner,
Substrate mediated photochemistry on a molecular surface: OCS on Ag clusters,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 109, 2474-2479 (1998)
Ch Ellert, H. Stapelfeldt, E. Constant, H. Sakai, J. Wright, D. M. Rayner, P. B. Corkum,
Observing molecular dynamics with timed Coulomb explosion imaging,
Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences 356, 329-344 (1998)
M. Yu Ivanov, O. V. Tikhonova, M. V. Fedorov,
Semiclassical dynamics of strongly driven systems,
Physical Review A 58, R793 (1998)
D. R. Matusek, M. Yu Ivanov, J. S. Wright,
Selectivity in intense field dissociation,
Chemical Physics Letters 284, 247-253 (1998)
David B. Pedersen, J. Mark Parnis, David M. Rayner,
The influence of polarizability in metal cluster reactions as seen in the reactions of gas-phase W clusters with cyclopropane,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 109, 551-559 (1998)
P. J. Poole, J. Hong, Albert Stolow, S. Charbonneau,
Time and frequency-resolved photoluminescence up conversion using broadly tuneable picosecond infrared pulses,
Review Of Scientific Instruments 69, 1943-1948 (1998)
Hirofumi Sakai, H. Stapelfeldt, E. Constant, M. Yu Ivanov, Daniel R. Matusek, James S. Wright, P. B. Corkum,
Metastable triply charged diatomic molecules produced with femtosecond pulses,
Physical Review Letters 81, 2217 (1998)
Hirofumi Sakai, A. Tarasevitch, J. Danilov, H. Stapelfeldt, R. W. Yip, C. Ellert, E. Constant, P. B. Corkum,
Optical deflection of molecules,
Physical Review A 57, 2794 (1998)
Henrik Stapelfeldt, Eric Constant, Hirofumi Sakai, Paul B. Corkum,
Time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging: A method to measure structure and dynamics of molecular nuclear wave packets,
Physical Review A 58, 426 (1998)
Albert Stolow,
Applications of wavepacket methodology,
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences VOLUME, 345-362 (1998)
Mark Thachuk, M. Yu Ivanov, David M. Wardlaw,
A semiclassical approach to intense-field above-threshold dissociation in the long wavelength limit. II. Conservation principles and coherence in surface hopping,
The Journal Of Chemical Physics 109, 5747-5760 (1998)

Attosecond Science at uOttawa and NRC