Joint Attosecond Science Laboratory
The Joint Attosecond Science Laboratory is a partnership between the National Research Council of Canada and the University of Ottawa. It has state-of-the-art laboratories at NRC as well as the Advanced Research Complex at the University of Ottawa. JASLab’s principal investigators are Prof. Dr. Paul Corkum, Dr. David Villeneuve, Dr. André Staudte and Dr. Giulio Vampa.
In JASLab postdoctoral researchers and students from across the globe are working on the forefront of attosecond science.

The JASLab has a long history of collaborating with distinguished theoretical physicist Prof. Dr. Agapi Emmanouilidou from University College London.
We specialize in femtosecond laser sources, attosecond extreme UV sources, and in the interactions of intense optical and infrared laser pulses and high harmonic radiation with atoms, molecules and surface and bulk condensed matter.
JASLab has two locations: JASLab North is located in the landmark historic NRC Laboratories building next to the Rideau river falls overlooking the Ottawa river. JASLab South is a 25 min stroll south in the 2014-built Advanced Research Complex of the University of Ottawa.
JASLab is also part of the Joint Centre for Extreme Photonics of the NRC and uOttawa.